Biography of Roman Abramovich

Roman Abramovich is a big businessman, a billionaire.

He was born on October 24, 1966 in Saratov.

In his early childhood he lost his parents. Several years in the biography of Abramovich were held in Ukhta, in the family of his uncle. In 1974, he moved to live with his second uncle in Moscow. After graduation, he did not spend much time in Ukhta’s industrial technical school, he did not finish his military service. He also studied, but did not graduate, the Institute of Oil and Gas in Moscow. But in 2001, Abramovich’s biography ended with the Moscow Law Academy.

He started small business in the late 1980s. At the beginning of the 1990s, he founded several companies, after which he took up oil trading. In the 1990s he founded a number of other companies. In 1995, the company was established, “Sibneft”, a significant share of which was bought by Abramovich and Berezovsky. In 2000 he established the company “Russian Aluminum”, became a co-owner of the companies “Irkutskenergo”, “Ruspromavto”, acquired a stake in Aeroflot. All shares of these companies Roman Abramovich sold from 2003 to 2005.

Abramovich took the post of State Duma deputy of one of the Chukotka okrugs in 1999, and went to the Duma in 2000, becoming a member of the committee on the North and the Far East. At the end of the same year he left the Duma in connection with the receipt of the post of governor of the Chukotka district, in October 2005 was re-elected, and in July 2008 left the post. In October 2008 he became a member of the Chukchi Duma, after which he became chairman.

Fascinated by football, in 2003 he acquired the Chelsea club, moved to live in the UK, where he still remains. He was married twice, has five children.

The state of Abramovich for April 2008 is estimated at 24.3 billion dollars. He owns three aircraft, five yachts, a lot of cars, three helicopters. One of the yachts of Abramovich is equipped with an anti-missile system, contains a submarine, a helicopter.



