Biography of Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges is an Argentine poet, critic and publicist.

Born in the city of Buenos Aires. Borges was widely hailed as an outstanding Spanish-American writer.

He was educated in Switzerland and then moved to Spain. There, Borges became a representative of ultra-ism, a poetic movement that followed the decline of modernism after the First World War. Ultramism is a supporter of the use of bold images and insolent metaphors in an attempt to create pure poetry, separated not only from the past, but from the present.

Borges, who brought this movement to Argentina, never strictly adhered to these principles. For his biography, Jorge Luis Borges helped found three avant-garde magazines, was director of the National Library and an English teacher at the University of Buenos Aires.

His poems collected in the collections “The Passion for Buenos Aires”, “The Moon Against”, “The San Martino Notebook”, “Dreamtigers”, “A Personal Anthology”, “Selected Poems: 1923-1967”, and “Praise to the Darkness” , often inspired by everyday life or episodes of Argentine history. Characterized by lyricism, imagination and boldness, they, according to Borges, are spiritual adventures.

His essays collected in “Inquisiciones”, “Otras inquisiciones”, as well as translations into “Selected essays and novels” in general are occupied with philosophy and literary criticism.

Borges’ tales, ranging from metaphysical allegories and fantasies to modern detective threads, testify to the most varied influences on the author. But, nevertheless, they are surprisingly original.

The main collections of his novels include “Historia universal de la infamia”, “Fiction”, “Alef”, “Outstanding stories”, “Brody’s Report”.

“Labyrinths” is a collection of translated works, and the collection “Collected Fictions” contains his completed works in translation.

Biography of Jorge Luis Borges