Biography of Honeys Wagner

Honus Wagner is an American baseball player, was born in Mansfield, Pennsylvania. In the biography of Honus, Wagner’s real name was John Peter Wagner. He semi-professionally played a ball in Ohio.

In 1896, the athlete was given Peterson on contract to the club of New Jersey. The club entered the main league in 1897, before that the athlete played with Louisville in the national league. The baseball player performed on the inside and outside of the field. When in 1900 Pittsburgh replaced Louisville in the national league, Hans soon proved himself as a shortstop player.

Wagner, called the fans by the Flying Dutchman, was awarded the title of one of the most outstanding players in baseball. He was leading in the national league eight times 1900, 1903-4, 1906-9, 1911). In addition, the athlete had a batting average of 0.329. Wagner made 3.430 hits, scored almost 1800 runs, played 2.785 games. The baseball player, despite the heavy external physical form, perfectly showed himself on the field. In the biography of Khanus Wagner, many years have been spent as a mentor of the team “Pirats”. In 1936, Wagner was elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

Biography of Honeys Wagner