Biography of Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is a philosopher of the direction of irrationalism, who created his theory of ethics.

Friedrich Nietzsche was born on October 15, 1844, near Leipzig. Training in the biography of Nietzsche was held in the gymnasium, then in the universities of the cities of Leipzig and Bonn. Even in the youth I got carried away by music, philology. And after reading the works of Schopenhauer, he was carried away by the philosophy of this direction.

After graduating from university, he began to teach, and after that he became a professor at the University of Basel. For about 10 years he taught classical philology. In connection with deteriorating health, he left the university in 1879.

The next ten years he spent at constant crossings. Despite this, the decade of 1879 – 1889 proved to be the most productive in the biography of Nietzsche, he created his main works. In 1889, the mental illness began to manifest itself more clearly. He moved to Germany, and in 1900 died.

The philosophy of Nietzsche covers all sorts of questions, but, nevertheless, is not organized into the system. Despite the fascination with the theories of Schopenhauer, in some moments Nietzsche criticizes him. For the whole biography Friedrich Nietzsche created a lot of works. In his creations, you can identify some mythology.

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Biography of Friedrich Nietzsche