Christy Mathewson is an American baseball player, was born in Factoryville, Pennsylvania. In 1902 he graduated from the University of Bucknell.
The baseball player played with his right hand. In the biography of Christy Mathewson, since 1901, games began for the “Cincinnati Reds” team, and then for the “New York Giants”. After John McGraw, Matthews won in 373 competitions, making 2,499 hits before ending his active games in 1918. In three consecutive seasons Matthewson won 30 or more games. And in 1905, the athlete led the “Giants” to victory over the “Philadelphia Athletics”, having committed three lockouts in 6 days.
He made two games “dry”, and in 1908 won 37 victories. In 1916, the athlete was sent to the “Cincinnati Reds”. Christy Mathewson successfully managed the team until 1918, after which he joined the army in World War I.
Matthewson was the victim of poison gas in France. The return of Christy Mathewson to baseball took place in 1923 as president of the “Boston Braves”. But soon after that he died of tuberculosis. In 1936, he was elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame.
Biography of Christy Mathewson