Biography of Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt is an actor, producer, one of the most attractive men in the world.

William Bradley was born on December 18, 1963 in the American city of Shawnee in the state of Oklahoma. But childhood in the biography of Pitt was held in the city of Springfield. The boy grew very active – he was engaged in music, sports. In 1982, Brad entered the University of Missouri, where he studied journalism and advertising. Two weeks before the award, Pitt left the university. He moved to Los Angeles, deciding to become an actor and take a few lessons of acting skills to begin with.

But success and recognition did not immediately appear in the biography of Brad Pitt. First he changed several low-paid jobs. Actor career began in 1987 with small roles in the films “No Way Out”, “No Man’s Land”, “Less Than Zero”. Then starred in the TV series “Dallas”. The first serious role of the actor – in the film “The Dark Side of the Sun”. After that, Brad began to offer roles in the movies one after another.

The next step in Pitt’s career is the movie “Interview with the Vampire”, which also starred several other famous actors: Tom Cruise, Antonio Banderas, Kirsten Dunst. Despite the availability of two MTV Movie Awards at that time, the shooting was not easy for Pitt.

Then followed the films: “Legends of Autumn”, “Seven”. For the movie “12 monkeys” the actor received the “Golden Globe”, for the first time he was nominated for an Oscar. The films “7 years in Tibet”, “Meet Joe Black”, and after – the legendary “Fight Club”, the opinion of critics about which divided. Further famous films of Brad Pitt – “Big Jackpot”, “Spy Games”, “11 Ocean’s friends.” In 2004, “Ocean’s 12 friends” and “Troy” came out. One of the biggest hits of 2005 was the movie “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” During the filming between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, feelings broke out. Before that, Pitt was married to actress Jennifer Aniston.

The next films with Brad Pitt were “Babylon”, “Ocean’s 13 friends”, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” and others. The actor was twice named the most attractive man of the world according to the magazine “People”, and also repeatedly led in other ratings. In all the photos of Brad Pitt, you can see not only the beauty of the actor, but also masculinity, steadfastness and strong spirit.

Also Pitt in his biography produced several films, including “Troy”, “The Departed”, “Running with Scissors”, “Strong Heart” and others.

Biography of Brad Pitt