Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is a famous Soviet writer and folklorist. The author of the Uralian tales “The Malachite Box”, for which he was awarded the Stalin Prize of the 2nd degree.
Childhood and youth
Pavel was born on January 15, 1879 near Yekaterinburg in the family of a worker. Children’s years in the biography of Bazhov were held in a small town – Polevskom Sverdlovsk region. He studied at the factory school, where he was one of the best students of the class. After graduating from the spiritual school in Yekaterinburg, he entered the theological seminary of Perm. After completing his studies in 1899, he began to work as a teacher of the Russian language.
It should be noted briefly that his wife Pavel Bazhova became his student Valentina Ivanitskaya. In the marriage they had four children.
The beginning of the creative path
The first writer’s activity of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov fell on the years of the Civil War. It was then that he began to work as a journalist, later became interested in the stories of the Urals. However, more biography of Pavel Bazhov is known as a folklorist.
The first book with Ural essays entitled “The Urals were” was published in 1924. And the first tale of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was published in 1936. Basically, all the tales, retold and recorded by the writer, were folklore.
The main work of the writer
The release of the book Bazhov “Malachite Box” largely determined the fate of the writer. This book brought the writer worldwide fame. Talent Bazhov could not be better manifested in the stories of this book, which he constantly replenished. “Malachite box” is a collection of folklore stories for children and adults about life and everyday life in the Urals, about the beauty of the nature of the Urals.
In the “Malachite Box” contains many mythological characters, for example: the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, the Great Poloz, Danila the Master, the Grandmother Sinyushka, the Ognyushka-poskakushka and others.
In 1943, thanks to this book, he received the Stalin Prize. And in 1944 he was awarded the Order of Lenin for fruitful creativity.
Pavel Bazhov created a lot of works, on the basis of which ballets, operas, plays, films and cartoons were produced.
Death and heritage
The life of the writer ended on December 3, 1950. The writer was buried in Sverdlovsk in the Ivanovo Cemetery.
In the writer’s home town, a museum was opened in the house where he lived. The name of the writer is a folk festival in the Chelyabinsk region, an annual award given in Yekaterinburg. Pavel Bazhov has memorable monuments in Sverdlovsk, Polevsk and other cities. Also the name of the writer named the streets in many cities of the former USSR.
Biography of Bazhov