(1873 – 1961)
Forsh Olga Dmitrievna (1873 – 1961), the prose writer.
Born May 16 (28 N. p.) In the fortress Gunib in Dagestan in the family of General D. Komarov, head of the district of Middle Dagestan. My mother died very early, and the Bonn was engaged in raising the children of the general, who later married Komarov. After the death of her husband, she immediately gave her step-daughter to an orphanage in Moscow. Later, the future writer studied painting in drawing schools in Kiev and Odessa, as well as in the studio of P. Chistyakov at the Academy of Arts.
In 1891 she participated in the fight against hunger in the Tula province, worked in the Tolstoy’s canteens.
In 1908, the journal Russian thought published her first story (as she wrote – “succeeded”) under the title “There was a general”. In this year, three stories were published: “Bear Panfamil,” “For the Firebird,” “The Trapper.”
Prior to the revolution, Forsch lived and worked as a teacher of drawing in Tsarskoe Selo and published a lot in various Petersburg magazines. Soon after the October Revolution, she moved to Moscow to work in the School Reform Department, taking up the post of assistant to the head of the “aesthetic development of the people.” Impressions from this time will later be reflected in the book “Moscow Stories”.
In the following years she worked in the Kiev All-Publication, then moved to Petrograd. 1923 became a turning point in the work of the writer, who switched from working on stories to her historical novel – Dressed in a Stone (1924-25), which had great success and revealed the true talent of the writer.
In 1926, the historical novel Contemporaries, dedicated to the fate of Gogol and the artist Ivanov, was published.
In the 1930s, Forsch worked on the Radishchev trilogy, which finally affirmed her as one of the leading historical prose writers. The time of Paul 1 draws her next book – “Mikhailovsky Castle” (1946). Her last major work was a novel about the Decembrists “Firstborns of Freedom” (1950-53). O. Forsch died in 1961.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Forsh Olga Dmitrievna