Bells of Chernobyl… They call about each of us

This terrible disaster hit my native Ukraine in the spring of 1986. As it turned out later, not only in our country, but also in Belarus, Russia, even in countries in the north of Europe.

Chernobyl showed the whole world how small our planet is and how vulnerable humanity is. No defense system, no closed-rebooted borders, no obstructing walls like the Great China are not a barrier to the terrible consequences of such nuclear disasters.

Chernobyl has become a disaster for the whole of Europe. But I want to say that, nevertheless, the tragedy of Chernobyl hit the Ukrainian people the hardest. And the more time passes after those events, the more we become aware of what happened and what could have happened, if not for the dedication of those people whom we call “liquidators”. How many of them, sixteen years after the Chernobyl tragedy, are no longer alive, and how many “liquidators” have been disabled! Many beautiful words have been said about the “peaceful atom” that must come to every house to serve people. And now he really came to every house, but only not at all peaceful…

Every inhabitant of our country has felt the pain of Chernobyl, horror and fear of an invisible but ruthless enemy. After all, the radiation did not spare anyone: neither firefighters who directly entered the fray with the fire on the fourth block, nor those who were just nearby. On May 1, as if nothing had happened, a demonstration of workers took place. Have deduced on it and children. People went to the May Day demonstration, not knowing that from April 26, the radioactive plague had flown over Ukraine and Europe and that the wind was driving it in an unknown direction for people.

The tragedy of Chernobyl in many ways changed our views on modern civilization, showed that all countries and peoples of the world depend on each other.

“Do not ask, for whom the bell tolls, it rings for you.” The thought contained in these words, which became an epigraph to E. Hemingway’s novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, everyone needs to understand and accept. There is no other’s grief – folk wisdom says. Therefore, the world was so unanimous when, on September 11, 2001, kamikaze terrorists blew up the towers of the Trade Center in New York. And the bells of Manhattan then called not only for those who died in that hell, they warned everyone: do not turn away from someone else’s trouble, it’s a great sin, do not take it to heart. At the end of October the Moscow bells lamented those who died in the Dubrovka Theater Center. But after all, each of us could be in this room…

And the bells of Chernobyl today are spreading their alarming tinkling around the world, notifying that the Chernobyl disaster, tears of Chernobyl, is not only the Ukrainian people’s misfortune. This applies to everyone who lives on Earth. And the bells of Chernobyl sound warning: “People, remember! Do not let an atomic fire break out on earth.” He will not spare anybody. “



