Bazarov’s work

The novel “Fathers and Sons” by IS Turgenev was published in 1862. Since then, he continues to delight readers with his artistic merits, and the political, philosophical and aesthetic problems raised by the writer on his pages continue to excite the minds and hearts of people.

The protagonist of the novel, Bazarov, is represented by the author as a new type of people, nogilists, emerging in Russian society, the emergence of which becomes a kind of “sign of the times”.

Bazarov – strong, endowed with natural mind and self-assured person. Turgenev gave him a materialistic view, a love of work and exact sciences, a huge willpower and the ability to influence others. The writer showed the hatred of his hero to any “phrase and position,” to inertia and routine. In all disputes, Bazarov usually wins. He criticizes the conservatism of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, considers natural science knowledge as a weapon in the struggle against the idealism of the “fathers”, independently pierces the road in life: “Every man should admire himself, at least, like me, for example.”

This person did not recognize the “immaterial”, he is the enemy of all abstract, “divorced from life.” Bazarov advocates only for “specific crafts” that could be learned by the people. This is a hard worker in science: he is tireless in his experiments, completely absorbed in his favorite profession. It would seem that an ideal person, but no…

At the same time, Bazarov is shown by the man to be tough, and sometimes cruel, ruthless, rude. Like some other characters who live by the idea (for example, Chatsky), he is completely unable to objectively evaluate his statements and statements of the interlocutor, accept “someone else’s truth” at least partially. Eugene Bazarov insults Pavel Petrovich, does not show any condescension towards him. In the “Mariinsky” chapters, the author emphasizes his rude manner of sticking: he does not count with the masters, he is rude to them, that is, he expresses contempt for the environment in which he fell.

But Bazarov realizes the complete collapse of his theories, his convictions, when he falls into the “love collision” with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Those theories, the ideals that he devoted himself to, do not pass the test for strength: “In conversation with Anna Sergeevna, he expressed his former indifference, contempt for everything romantic, but, alone, resented romance in himself.” Now Bazarov’s soul “splits” into two parts: on the one hand, we see a denial of everything spiritual, in particular, of love; on the other – the ability to love passionately and spiritually. In place of naive cynicism (“Let’s see what kind of mammal belongs to this person”, “Such a rich body.” Although now in the anatomical theater, “” a woman with a brain ” ) comes a deeper understanding of human relationships. If at first Bazarov called love rubbish, he considered knightly impulses something of an ugliness or a disease, but now “his blood burned as soon as he remembered it.” The hero caught himself on all sorts of “shameful thoughts, as if the demon was teasing him.” Bazarov’s general skepticism is preserved, but now he does not have the same unshakable confidence. The ideal concept is collapsing…

In the statements of the main character appears a philosophical reflection on the theme of death and the place of man in the world. But the position of “grains of sand”, “atom” in the power of its elements does not satisfy. According to the hero, a man must subordinate nature to himself. But this is impossible, the laws of nature are not subject to man. And Bazarov understands this, but can not accept: “Love is a form, and my own form is already decaying.” Why? How did this strong-willed and strong man behave after Odintsov rejected his love?

The hero surrendered before a life failure, or, as he says, “dispelled”: he has a note of skepticism and pessimism, he curses some of his views. It becomes clear that the demands of living human nature are incompatible with the principles of nihilism. Bazarov does not have any friends or supporters who can support and help. Because Arkady, in essence, is not a friend, but a fellow traveler, a temporary friend who superficially mastered Bazarov’s views and soon abandoned them. Bazarov is alone and he will not be able to cope with the spiritual crisis. Being a strong personality, he can not abandon his convictions, but he can not turn away from the demands of nature. This is a dead end: the conflict is unresolved, and the hero realizes this. The only way out for him is death. And the main character dies…

Who is Bazarov? A representative of his time, an “extra person” or a man without a future? This question can not be answered unambiguously. One thing is clear: spiritual values ​​can not be neglected. This is what holds the person’s personality, his soul. And without a soul a person is just a shell. Turgenev showed us a strong man and once again proved this fact.



