Who accepted the blessing with gratitude, he paid already the first installment for him.
We are not so grateful to those who helped us, like those who could harm us, but they will refrain.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach
Better to be asked than thank.
Baltasar Gracian
After ingratitude, the most painful thing is gratitude.
Henry Ward Beecher
Who brings thanks, removing the witnesses, that ungrateful man.
We do not fully forgive the giver. The hand that feeds can be bitten.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Blessed are those who do not expect gratitude, for they will not be disappointed.
W. Bennett
For an intelligent person, gratitude is not a painful feeling.
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton
Gratitude to those who do us good is a universally recognized virtue, and to show gratitude in one form or another, albeit imperfectly, is a person’s duty both to himself and to those who help him.
Frederick Douglas
Gratitude is one of the greatest virtues. But even greater virtue is a sense of proportion in the claim for gratitude.
Christian Friedrich Hebbel (Goebbel)
Thankfully forgetful of everything.
Johann Friedrich Schiller
Gratitude is the most beautiful of the flowers of the soul.
Henry Ward Beecher
Gratitude is not the right of the one who is thanked, but the debt of the one who thanks; to demand gratitude is stupidity; not to be grateful – meanness.
Vasiliy Osipovich Kliuchevsky
There is no greater excess in the world than a surplus of gratitude.
Jean de Labruier
Gratitude is a heavy burden, lying on our imperfect nature.
Philippe Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield
Gratitude is not always eloquent.
Who has a good heart, that gratitude does not weigh.
Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais
Gratitude is something that can not be bought… A scoundrel and a fraudster should not be shown gratitude, but with a true sense of gratitude are born.
George Savile Halifax
Gratitude quickly grows old.
Gratitude is the digestion of good deeds, the process, generally speaking, is difficult.
Adrian Decursel
It is painful for a subtle soul to realize that somebody owes her gratitude; a gross soul – to feel obligated to anyone.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Acknowledgment is a virtue that manifests itself more often before than after.
Margarita de Blessington
The first step of ingratitude is to study the motivations of the benefactor.
Pierre Boeste
It does not matter who did you a favor, but who is most profitable to thank.
Wieslaw Brudzinski
The gratitude of most people is born of a hidden desire to achieve even greater benefits.
François La Rochefoucauld
Excessive haste in paying for the rendered service is a kind of ingratitude.
François La Rochefoucauld
The debt of gratitude is filled with interest rates.
Urshula Zybura
Errors of people in their calculations for gratitude for the services they render are due to the fact that the pride of the giver and the pride of the host can not agree on the price of beneficence.
François La Rochefoucauld
There are services so priceless that you can pay for them only ingratitude.
Alexander Dumas father
Why bother our breasts with our wet nurse? because the teeth cut through?
Alexander Pushkin
First, give me your hand, then I’ll give you a leg.
Wlodzimierz Scislovski
If someone from someone (from a person, institution, government) received a bribe, a warm place or other giving, he is grateful to the old man not only by agreement, loyalty or courtesy, but even ideologically, by conviction – for which he no longer paid.
Karol Izhikovsky
The size of my gratitude will be limitless within reason.
Semyon Altov
The relationship became more complicated: you – me, I – him, he – you.
Semyon Pivovarov
People can forgive you for the good that you have done for them, but rarely forget the evil they caused you.
Somerset Maugham
Gratitude is pleasant on time.
The gratitude of most people is nothing but a secret desire to gain more benefits.
F. Laroshfuko
Gratitude is like the conscientiousness of merchants: we pay not because we consider it unfair not to remain in debt, but to find people who can lend us later easier.
F. Laroshfuko
Personal gratitude is more or less profitable placement of capital, promising good interest, and therefore it should be attributed not to the field of moral philosophy, but rather to be classified as a commercial enterprise.
M. Nordau
There is no more fleeting feeling than gratitude.
X. Mackay
The debt of gratitude is filled with interest rates.
U. Zybura
Almost all people willingly pay for small favors, most are grateful for the important, but almost no one feels grateful for the big ones.
F. Laroshfuko
Too zealous rush to pay off with a debt of gratitude is a kind of ingratitude.
F. Laroshfuko
When we are paid for a noble act, it is taken from us.
N. Chamfort