Tundra in Eurasia

To the south, towards the line of the Arctic Circle, in the conditions of the subarctic climate, the zone of the tundra – swamped treeless areas stretches. In Asia, the tundra extends far to the south. In Europe, because of the influence of warm currents, the area of ​​this natural zone is much smaller.

The natural conditions of the tundra in Eurasia and North America are very similar. Soils are the same tundra-gley. The vegetation cover is dominated by lichens of various forms and colors. Particularly known is the yagel – a favorite food for deer. In the marshes the earth is covered with a continuous carpet of mosses. Many berry bushes: blueberries, cranberries, cranberries, cloudberries. Trees are only dwarfish, in particular dwarf birch.

Among the animals of the tundra, as in North America, there are many herbivores: lemmings, hares, musk oxen. A Eurasian relative of the American caribou is a reindeer. He runs well, without falling into the snow. The peoples of the north tamed the animal for meat and skin. The reindeer harnessed to the sleds is the main means of transportation along the tundra. Among the birds are often found tundra swan, polar partridge, sandpipers, ducks. Of predatory animals – arctic fox, polar owl, Peregrine Falcon.

Tundra in the direction to the south is gradually replaced by forest-tundra, and further, in the temperate zone, by forests. In the forests of the temperate zone, three natural zones are distinguished: taiga, mixed forests and broad-leaved forests. Each of these zones has its own climatic features.



