On the mirror necha pardon if the face of the curve

On the mirror necha to blame, if the face of the curve – the Russian proverb. It is indicated in the book “Proverbs of the Russian people” (1853) by V. I. Dal (section – “Reason – Excuse”) – “Not in the mirror of a fake, that face is crooked,” “What a blame on a mirror, if the face is crooked.”

The literal meaning of the proverb is that if you are ugly, then this mirror is not to blame. In a broader sense – you need to face the truth and in yourself to look for the root of problems and failures.

This great proverb Nikolai Vassilievich Gogol (1809 – 1852) chose this folk proverb as an epigraph to his comedy The Inspector General (1836). The play explains the meaning of the proverb. The governor of a district town received a message from a friend that an inspector was going to visit them. The official has something to fear and he collects his device to discuss what to do. During the meeting he was informed that a young man (Khlestakov) had stopped at the hotel, which, apparently, is an auditor. The governor with his officials goes on a visit to Khlestakov and in every possible way deceives him.

Khlestakov, in fact, was not an inspector, but he was a great scoundrel and quickly entered the role of auditor, received expensive gifts from officials, almost got married to the daughter of the governor and left. Immediately after this came the real auditor and asked the governor to come to see him. About the governor and you can say: On the mirror nech to blame, if the face is crooked.



