How many words were said about love! This state of mind was sung also by Homer in his hymns, and Dante in the “Divine Comedy”. Yes, you never know! Everyone is given to love, and everyone can understand this feeling in his own way, passing it through the sieve of his thoughts, weaving with a string of his imagination or by colliding it with a billiard ball of conscience. You can say a lot of words about the fact that love is not depicted on paper, that the pen is not able to draw the formula of love. But just get this pen in the hands of the poet – and a miracle! Before us is passion and suffering, bitterness and doubt, which have overcome humanity yesterday, the day before yesterday, for ages!
In the literary world, Blok came under the strong influence of the religious and philosophical ideas of Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov, the son of a famous historian. He was regarded by his teacher as idealist philosophers of the early 20th century and poets of the symbolist circle. In the “Nightingale” Blok attracts ideas about the ideal (the World Soul) as the spiritual essence of the world, the desire for it as the embodiment of the Eternal Feminine and Harmony, the ability of the World Soul to one day enter the human world and transform it by combining Heaven and Earth. This block was named Blessed Lady. Therefore, one of the first cycles of poems and was named – “Poems of the Beautiful Lady.” Written in the name of the lyrical hero, these mental monologues are dreams of meeting with the beautiful lady of his heart. But in the love experience, an objective picture of the world is not created, because, in order to meet, the hero wants to comprehend the cosmos, he dreams of the merging of the individual soul with the World Soul. Therefore, love is the source of the poet’s soul, the desire to know the essence of being; it is incorporeal and platonic.
As the feelings grow, the same cycle can be called a lyric novel, where only two characters are active: the lyrical hero and the Beautiful Lady. Also, you can clearly identify some of the features of the medieval courtly novel, for love is not only a light feeling, but also a service, the expectation of a long-awaited meeting. No wonder all the poems are full of premonitions and the key word is the “wait” word:
Year pass by, –
All in the guise of one’s premonition
You. The entire horizon is on fire – and is unbearable,
And I wait in silence, – yearning and loving.
For the poet She – and the Ancient Virgin, Dawn, Kupina, the Eternal wife and simply “affectionate, lovely, eternally young”. The beautiful lady appears in nature, through nature, which is perfect and identical to Her, but the shape of Her throughout the cycle changes: She is the bearer of the fullness of life, of vital forces, but She is also death, for the path to it is at the break with the earthly, and chastity – the source and condition of this creativity. There is a feeling of impossibility of the connection, the long-awaited meeting will never happen: “You are holy, but I do not believe you.” This closes all the way to the lyrical hero in search of the ideal, and he is forced to change knightly armor to a clown’s outfit.
Four years after the publication of the poems, Blok will call “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” “a closed book of being,” “the early morning dawn – those rocks and fogs that the soul struggles to gain the right to live.”
From the “Solovyov” ideas, Blok comes to the idea of the unity of being with all its contradictions: the unity of the tale and reality, life and death, eternal and transitory, beauty and ugliness, illness and health. The diversity and symbolism of this unity gives rise to a variety of poems included in the cycle “City”. And here there was a place for a bright feeling. But where does the Beautiful Lady appear for the very same time? In the ballad “Stranger” painted a strange, naturalistic picture: a child’s crying, a woman’s squeal, vulgar flirting paintings, a dusty landscape and the terrible faces of drunkards. Yes, that’s where She is. The fact that this is a beautiful lady, you can not doubt:
And they are howled with ancient beliefs
Her elastic silk,
And a hat with mourning feathers,
And in the rings a narrow hand.
But the lyrical hero drives out the ideal:
You’re right, a drunken monster!
I know: the truth is in the wine.
Why? Because this is how life is structured: the vulgar and dirty coexist with the sublime and holy. The stranger in the City is that symbol of the unity of being. The feeling for the Stranger is the love of the Beautiful Lady, sunk in the swamp.
But that’s not all. Scary “City” grows into a “terrible world”. The lyrical hero of this cycle wanders about in darkness, no longer experiencing any desires; he survived all: and “his passions desolate,” and “gloomy, vicious pleasures.” Here is the poem “At the Restaurant.” This is a kind of synthesis of “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” and “Strangers”. Here is a knightly ministry and a naturalistic picture, a breakdown of feelings and subtle sarcasm. But how wonderful it all is:
… I sent you a black rose in a glass.
And I want to believe that at this moment the lover will be transformed and will return to the perishable earth She:
And the spirits sighed, eyelashes dozed.
The silk whispered anxiously.