This problem will be relevant at all times. You can argue indefinitely. Everything in Russia was intermittent – it concerned the internal and external aspects of people’s lives, their way of life, politics. It all depends on the inner ideology of each individual person, his moral character, spiritual and cultural values. We live in society and obey its laws, rules, norms. This is a significant and relevant topic that gives time for reflection. Answer it immediately does not work, because each person exists in his dimension, reflects, thinks in his own way. But support, empathy, help to our neighbor bring us together and make us a whole. It sounds unfounded, but there are examples from the life of the heroes of our famous classics. I propose to address them.
This can be seen in the work of VG Rasputin “Lessons of the French.” The work tells about the life of a village boy in the post-war period, when the world was just beginning to move away from the war. The boy is a good student in the village, and wants to continue his education further arrives in the city. Here, he quickly grows up, which highlights the hero of the story from the peer society. Constant starvation and poverty lead the student to a “clearing”, where his peers have fun playing on coins. Being a smart kid, he vividly discovers a method how to decorate his rivals, but immediately gets his first lesson: intelligent and lucky in the gray mass of adolescents, generate anger and envy. Constant luck in the game, makes the boy an outcast. Helping Alyosha get out of the difficult situation is his French teacher – Lydia Mikhailovna. She was open-hearted, cheerful and kind, penetrated to the boy with sympathy, took the child under her care. So began their studies.
The time that Alyosha spent with the teacher saved him from moral and spiritual decay. She gave her pupil love and care, taught to cope with any difficulties and not be afraid of trials. The teacher was able to interest the boy, not only pulling up his French language, but also his society made it clear that he is not alone and will always be able to ask for help. Teacher because of the game for money with the boy, asked to leave school. She returns to her home, but does not forget about the kid. After a while, Alyosha receives a parcel containing macaroni and large, ripe apples. The act of the teacher for life left a mark on her student’s heart.
In any life situation, so that it does not happen, it is important to remain a man, and to do things for which it is not a shame to look in the eyes of your children. This – us and unites.