Think about the meaning of the word “dignity”. This is what every person has before it is evaluated in one way or another from different possible points of view, as they say.
Dignity is a special moral-value category, which determines respect and self-esteem for the individual. This is one of the inalienable and non-transferable intangible benefits that belong to man from birth (Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Self-esteem is not directly related to the results of his activities.
Human life is the greatest value, it follows that everyone has dignity, even if he does not know about it. The concept of “dignity” is related to the concept of “honor”, but it is not the same thing. Honor is an assessment of the moral and ethical qualities of the person around them. Honor can be denied (for example, the breaking of epaulettes by the military authorities, the breaking of swords over the head from representatives of the nobility and other similar acts). A person can not be deprived of dignity.
Actions degrading the dignity of the person (insult, libel) can be qualified as an administrative offense or even a criminal offense.
Self-esteem is one of the necessary and normal properties of a person. We can say that this is the quality of the human soul.
As is known, the person determines heredity, environment and upbringing. So, self-esteem and self-respect do not occur to a person in themselves. These qualities need to be educated. First of all, moral people who possess these qualities know how to respect others.
Generally, the education of self-esteem is an indispensable component of the education of a moral person. This needs to be taught and taught from childhood.
It should be understood that pride, self-esteem and self-esteem are part of a person’s natural moral core, which has nothing in common with a sense of self-worth. Its own significance is ephemeral, this is understood by any person who has once in really difficult circumstances for a sufficient time.
A person with a normally developed sense of self-worth is not afraid to get into a stupid situation and is not afraid to be ridiculous. He can always apologize to others for his erroneous actions, without feeling a sense of harm in relation to his own person.
How to develop self-esteem?
This is not an easy task, but it is not difficult to answer such a question. It is necessary for a person to realize himself as a person so that he can look at himself from outside, that is, he knew how to see how others see it. Of course, all this in one way or another man gets in the process of his development and education in the human society.
Sometimes it happens that children in a certain period of their development are trying to compensate for their lack of self-esteem by striving for some formal achievements (good estimates, exemplary behavior). This does not mean that such children do not have complex internal problems. By the way, good assessments and behavior are not sufficient criteria for assessing a person’s morality. This should be understood by all who are professionally engaged in pedagogy in one way or another. Self-esteem develops on the basis of copying patterns of behavior, as a result of the impact of others.
How to maintain self-esteem?
To do this, you just need to remain a moral person, that is, to deal with people conscientiously, in accordance with universal moral concepts.