Expensive words

I thought for a long time and reasoned on what words are the most expensive for a person and came to the conclusion that these are words that bring special feelings that touch the soul, but do not cripple it. Dear words can be heard only from close people and, not just relatives, but also friends, everyone you love. The most welcome and expensive word from parents can only be obtained, we love you, no matter how you were. This encourages me, since I know that there are people who love me for who I am.

In the future I will be afraid to fall, because these people will always support me, they do not get what they want from me, the most important is that I should grow up to be a good person, and I will definitely be that way. From the friend the most important thing to hear is that he is next to you in spite of all obstacles. Many think that children have a carefree childhood, this is far from the case. I have enemies, and confront them alone, alas, I can not. But if my friend supports me in difficult situations, then this gives me confidence. I know that behind the back is a person who will help me, even if we lose in the “battle.” I have a brother, and he lies in the hospital, and the most expensive word is that he is finally healthy. Why do I want so much? Probably because I love him very much. It is very difficult for me to explain all those feelings, which occur inside me, when I see and communicate with him, but these feelings are definitely not bad. I want to show him the whole world where I’m there, teach him to play interesting games, introduce his friends.

Every person waits in the shower that something good will say to him, sometimes this word, spoken by a simple person, sinks into the heart and becomes the most expensive. And these words are remembered for life, at least, they are clearly deposited in my memory and warm my soul when it becomes sad.



