“My future profession is a choreographer” composition

Dance and music inspire the whole world, supply the soul with wings, contribute to the flight of imagination; they give life and fun to all that exists.

My future profession is a choreographer. I often hear this phrase: “Why do you need these dances? In the future, this is absolutely not useful.” I will be the director of the firm, I will have my own business, or I will be a military, economist, lawyer, politician. ” “Well be,” I say to them, “and I will teach the children the basics of a beautiful movement, grace in the gait.” To dance now do not know how, because it is not so simple, not what was before the revolution, when children from rich and noble families of Russia were taught not only foreign languages, exact sciences, but also music, painting and dancing. Anyone who respects himself as a young man, let alone a girl, could dance the most popular ballroom dances at the time. It was not only the military bearing that gave the posture, but also choreography. And every object was important! In addition – only in the choreography harmoniously develop all the muscles. The dancer does not have a “right” or “left” side. He is taught to use both equally freely. The one who is engaged in serious dances learn on a walk, and at a disco they always in the spotlight. Pros for those who are engaged in dancing abound.

I started to dance before school. Mom wrote me to the choreographic circle “Kaleidoscope.” Now I consider myself competent in dancing as a person, I see mistakes in the productions of other bands, I remember and note the original findings: transitions, bundles, support. And with what interest I watched the performances of dancers on the All-Russian project “Big Dancing”. “Hurted” for the team from Kazan, wished her victory, watched all their performances, and I was also interested to look at the participant of the project Dilyar Gareyev from the Kamsky Polyan. She also learned everything in the “Kaleidoscope” classes. “Our artist”, as we sometimes call her, has long since graduated from school, but quite often when she comes to visit her parents, she comes to us for classes. We are waiting for her, because she is for us a model for imitation, will always share something new, some “choreographic secrets.” She’s an example of what you can achieve if you love what you do. According to our teacher, Nadezhda Alexandrovna, she was one of the hardworking pupils.

Of course, for me the most beautiful choreographer is my teacher Nadezhda Alexandrovna Kochurova. She is a storehouse of new ideas, she herself comes up with dances, chooses music. Every year – a new dance, or even two. My teacher is my ideal. But I must say that Nadezhda Alexandrovna is a strict leader. Highly! But I think that in a large team there should be an iron discipline, because dancing is not only beautiful movements, but also our health and safety.

Classes in choreography help us very much in our school life, we easily invent our dances and perform with them at school events, at class evenings, before parents and teachers. By the way, I rarely get sick, I think that this choreography strengthens my health.

Choreography is a dance. Dance is an expression of thought. If you want to dance, dance. Through pain! Fatigue! And only with a smile on his face! If someone forces you – this is not your calling. Go away! Do not torture yourself.

Everything in the universe is rhythmic. All dances. I dance even when I go to school, presenting myself in the next bend of “etiquette” or “flask.” It’s great! I do not try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better myself. But to dance, you need patience, willpower, desire for a new. Only when you dance, do you forget about all the difficulties and problems that surround you.

You try to do something, you can not do it, try again, and now, at last, you can already make this “grant batman” easy! “Hooray, I’m a fine fellow, I did it!” – sung in my soul, I am pleased with myself, and all people seem nice, kind. I notice that I smile at all passers-by, and they smile back at me.

It is useless to talk about the profession of the choreographer with words, for example: “Etude”, “Padebury”, “Batman teldyu”, “Grant Batman”, “Flask”, “Force” – nothing is understandable, but dance, choreographer’s work, can understand and appreciate all, viewers first.

A concert or competition is a test, you can say, a test. The whole year you prepare together with everyone for your main speech. And here you are behind the scenes! I want to get on stage faster and dance.

Soon your exit, and all thoughts only about one: “If only everything went perfectly!” The last chords… and the curtain closes. Ahead of a minute of waiting – the most solemn, most intense. The leader calls your team. Pause. How long it lasts! “The first place is awarded to the choreographic ensemble” Kaleidoscope “”, he continues slowly. Splash of delight, inexpressible pride for myself, for my friends, for our beloved leader Nadezhda Alexandrovna. Tears are pouring down. In training – tears of pain, at the concert – tears of joy!



