Many thinkers who lived in the past and who live in the present thought about such concepts as truth and lies. It would seem that all people understand and know what these concepts stand for. Still there are concepts like bitter truth and sweet lies. So why, really bitter? Yes, because there is such a truth, which will be unpleasant to those from whom it is hidden. Having told such a truth, you can cause a person pain and it is not known how he will live on. Undoubtedly, many people are convinced that it is better to know the truth, whatever it is, than to harbor hopes and listen to lies. Of course, any person has the right to know the whole truth.
There are situations where the truth can be disastrous and people prefer to say lies. Sometimes even the so-called lie for salvation. For example, the work of M. Gorky “At the bottom”, in which exactly this lie is present. The new lodging dweller told everyone that everything would be fine, that not everything was so bad. A dying woman, he did not tell the truth, but argued that everything would be right. Someone will say that he did wrong, not honestly. And someone will argue that by doing this he has brightened up the last moments of the life of a dying poor woman. Both of them will be right in their own way, because they all have their own views on life.
The person decides independently what he wants to know: the truth or the lie. But how to solve the one who should just tell the other person, either the truth, or vice versa. How to decide for yourself what is better to say to a person who is surely waiting only for the truth? What should I do in a specific situation? Do we have the right to influence someone else’s fate and hide the truth? These questions must be answered by the person himself, nobody except him can make a choice. I believe that it is better to know the truth, than to lie to some illusions and hope for something.