Profession physician composition

“A doctor is not a profession, but a way of life.” Everyone should choose the profession that corresponds to his natural abilities and inclinations, then he will work, as they say, not for fear, but for conscience. For a loved one, a person gives all his strength, all energy, all knowledge, and then this work will be done better, the return will be greater. Of course, all professions are needed, they should be distributed evenly and appropriately in the society. But every doctor, every teacher, turner, carpenter must have a cultural horizon.

There should be no blind to the beautiful, deaf to the word and real music, callous to the good, forgetful of the past. A doctor is one of the most noble professions. The profession of a doctor, as A. Chekhov said, is a feat. “It requires the purity of the soul and thoughts. It must be clear mentally, cleanly moral and tidy physically.” A physician should always be kind and merciful, because the work he does, alleviates suffering

The patient and saves him from death. People are always treated with special care for doctors, they appreciate and respect them. In the hands of a doctor is a human life. It’s easier to become a doctor than to be a doctor. A doctor is not just a professional, it’s a creator. About medicine and physicians write modern authors: Yu Herman and F. Uglov. In the work of J. Herman “The case that you serve,” the author described the life and work of physician Vladimir Ustimenko. Vladimir was such a man for whom medicine was in the forefront,

In the first place among other sciences. For him, apart from the “business to which he served,” nothing more existed. Without medicine, his life would be boring and meaningless. It all began as a child. Volodya first began to master knowledge of medicine. He studied biology, chemistry, collected anatomical atlases, and once tried to buy a skeleton from a man in the store. In his room hung a painting by Rembrandt “The lesson of anatomy.”



