Myth – (from the Greek mythos – legend – legend), a narrative about gods, spirits, deified heroes and ancestors, originated in primitive society.
The myths intertwine the early elements of religion, philosophy, science and art. Myths of different peoples have similar and repetitive themes and motives. The most typical myths about the origin of the world, the universe (cosmogonical myth) and man (anthropogonic myths); about the origin of the sun (solar myths), the moon (lunar myths), stars (astral myths); myths of the living; calendar myths, etc. A special place is occupied by the myths of the discovery and introduction of cultural goods (the acquisition of fire, the invention of farming, farming), as well as the establishment of certain social institutions, marital rules, customs and rituals.
For myths, characteristic humanization of the whole nature is characteristic (universal personification). In the first society, myths are the main way of knowing the world, relying on a nascent logic (undivided, the identity of the subject and object, the subject and sign, the being and his name); a feature of mythological consciousness is the establishment of imaginary connections between various phenomena.
Elements of mythological thinking persist in modern mass consciousness (eg racial and class myths, cult of leaders, rituals of mass assemblies, etc.). Myths in the figurative sense are false, uncritical, torn off the reality of the state of consciousness, concepts, representations.