We have a lot of books at home, they are arranged on several shelves in four rows. On the shelves of the first row are the father’s books: technical reference books and military-historical novels. In the second row there are mother’s books: French novels, books on housekeeping and embroidery. On the shelves of the third row are my books: textbooks, fiction, various dictionaries and several reference books on computer games and programs. Sister’s books are in the fourth row: also textbooks and literature, books on art.
Every member of the family has his favorite books – those that he most often uses. Of course, these are reference books. I will tell about them. The book that the pope most often reads is the “Encyclopedic Dictionary.” It explains many terms, geographical names, gives brief information about the life and activities of many prominent figures of politics, science and art.
The most popular book in my mother’s house is “Housekeeping”, which helps my mother run a household. It contains recipes for dishes, valuable advice on washing, sewing, caring for the home and clothing and so on.
My sister has a lot of favorite books, but now she is passionate about “Useful advice to the girls” of the English writer M. Stoppard.
I most often use “Self-instruction work on the computer,” which is understandable, since computer and computer games are my hobby, the main pastime. The book contains a lot of useful information, which is necessary for every computer engineer.