“Unrequited love” composition
This is the love with which God was pleased to reward me for something.
A. Kuprin. Pomegranate bracelet
How often to us in the real world, with its problems, habits, everyday troubles, it seems that life has disappeared and poetry, and untouched beauty, and strong, exalting a person’s feelings. But in fact, all this has not gone anywhere, just need to give yourself the labor not to hurry, stop, look at the world with other eyes, not thinking only about yourself. Or take from the bookshelf a volume with the works of AI Kuprin and immerse yourself in magical with your reality and at the same time, with the incredible power of human feelings, the world of this remarkable writer.
“Garnet bracelet”. The plot of this story is extremely simple: a young official, long and hopelessly in love with Princess Sheina, voluntarily leave? from life, so as not to interfere with her. The plot of this story is incredibly complex: the tragedy of a man who fell in love unrequited and found in this great happiness.
An epigraph to Kuprin’s story can be taken Bunin lines: “Love is when you want something that does not and does not happen.” A young official with a funny name? whom for some reason I call? telegrapher, in the youthful ardor, partly amused by his naivety and the use of vulgar stamps, but “completely chaste” letters recognize in their feelings a young beauty from a rich family. Time passed, Vera Nikolayevna got married and became a princess, her life flowed as usual, and she had no place for the “jokes” of a poor official, whose love only grew stronger, insisting like wine on dreams, but no longer hopes. In his only letter to Jel? She invited the princess Sheina to not bother her with her love effusions that could compromise her in the eyes of society, her own family. Not wanting to disturb and at least something to hurt the woman he worshiped, Jel? kok “fell silent about love and began to write only occasionally: on Easter, on New Year’s Day and on the day of her name-day.” Not demanding neither answers, nor reciprocity, the young man was happy already that he lives with the object of his love in one land, in one city, breathe? one air, that she is all right. Later, Vera Nikolaevna realized that there was always an invisible person near her who was capable of true love, “selfless, selfless, not expecting a reward, about which it says” strong as death. “Such a love for which to perform any feat, give life, sing? and the torment is not work, but even joy. “Love should be a tragedy.” for Easter, for the New Year, and for the day of her birthday. “Without demanding answers or reciprocity, the young man was happy that he was living with the object of his love in one land, in one city, breathing in the same air as hers everything was fine. “Later, Vera Nikolaevna realized that there was always a person close to her who was capable of true love” unselfish, self-sacrificing, not expecting a reward. About which it says “strong as death.” such a love for which to perform any feat, give life, sing? and the torture is not at all labor, but even joy. Love should be a tragedy. ” for Easter, for the New Year, and for the day of her birthday. “Without demanding answers or reciprocity, the young man was happy that he was living with the object of his love in one land, in one city, breathing in the same air as hers everything was fine. “Later, Vera Nikolaevna realized that there was always a person close to her who was capable of true love” unselfish, self-sacrificing, not expecting a reward. About which it says “strong as death.” such a love for which to perform any feat, give life, sing? and the torture is not at all labor, but even joy. Love should be a tragedy. “
Years of unrequited love (which lasted more than seven years) transformed Jel? he discovered the great happiness of subtly feeling the world and its beauty, he learned to listen to music by heart. A high sense of exaltation and strength enlightened this man, it aroused respect
To him even from Vera Nikolaevna’s husband, who came. Gel? cave with a request not to disturb his wife anymore with reminders of himself.
Truly immeasurable are the heart and soul of a man who is able to wit? and from the life of a beloved woman, only met with death, but at the same time feeling no offense, no pain, no despair. “I am infinitely grateful to you only for the fact that you exist.” I checked myself that this is not a disease, it is the love with which God was pleased to reward me for something. ” What a strange contradiction: a happy unhappy man. Leaving, I enthusiastically say: “Hallowed be Your name.”
Without giving his own assessments or moralizing, AI Kuprin managed to tell us a beautiful and sad story about a love that stands above public opinion, higher than the class structure and the prejudiced attitude of the inhabitants. Love, which is able to turn the gray and familiar world into a mystery, a riddle, a fairy tale. Love, to which you want to be implicated and believe in it even today, in the 21st century.