The first steps in space exploration were made in the early 30-ies of the century in the works of the founder of astronautics of the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, who said: “Impossible today will be possible tomorrow.” These words turned out to be prophetic.
October 4, 1957 in the USSR was launched the world’s first artificial Earth satellite. This meant the onset of the space age. The Russian word “satellite” entered the languages of all peoples.
Since then, hundreds of Kosmos satellites have been launched in our country, the purpose of which is to conduct extensive scientific research and technical experiments.
Already two years after the launch of the first satellite, our automatic station flew around the Moon and transmitted to the ground photographs of its inverse, invisible side. Many months worked on the Moon moving vehicle “Lunokhod-1”, which brought to Earth valuable information. And the automatic station “Luna-20”, having made a flight Earth-Moon and back, delivered to us samples of lunar soil.
Not once were the space stations sent to the planet Venus, with the help of automatic stations carried out a comprehensive study of the planet Mars. Our device “Mars-3” made a soft landing in one of the regions of Mars and transmitted a video signal to the Earth.
April 12, 1961, the first man of our planet, the Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, ascended into space and flew the Earth on the Vostok spacecraft. After that, we have many times witnessed the heroic flights of astronauts. On ships “Vostok” was carried out the flight of crews of astronauts and the first man’s exit into outer space. During the flights of the Soyuz multi-seat ships, the ships were docked to each other and to the Salyut orbital station, the possibility of long flights and crew changes was demonstrated, a wide range of research was conducted in all fields of science and the national economy for the peaceful use of space. Citizens of many countries, including Poland, Germany, France, India, Syria, and America took part in flights on Russian spaceships. July 15, 1975
In December 1984, the Soviet space stations Vega-1 and Vega-2 flew to the planet Venus and the Halley comet. Their name is formed from the first syllables of the words “Venus” and “Halley”.