When the conversation about human rights comes up, most people certainly understand this expression, which is taken as the title of this essay. And really: since I am a man, then I have the right! And full and without any reservations. But can it really be so? After all, if all people simultaneously begin to demand the full realization of their rights, then to whom will these demands be addressed? To your neighbor? To friend? To an unfamiliar passerby? To the enemy? Or to ourselves? In this case, it will no longer be right, but lack of rights.
More precisely, permissiveness. Meanwhile, under the law for a long time is understood not permissiveness, and generally binding rules of conduct, which people themselves and establish themselves. And when it comes to the fact that the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948, it should be remembered that the prerequisites for this were laid by such thinkers as Socrates, Plato, Confucius, Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed the rights of the individual, civil and political rights and freedoms: equality of all before the law, the right of everyone to freedom and personal inviolability, freedom of conscience and much more. She also recognized the socio-economic rights of the individual: labor, social security, recreation, etc. Therefore, December 10 is celebrated every day as Human Rights Day.
But is the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights so important and significant? After all, in many ways, the modern model of the rule of law owes its appearance to Ancient Rome. And with the beginning of the bourgeois era, whoever did not declare and declare universal freedom, equality and brotherhood. For example, on August 26, 1789, the Constituent Assembly adopted a political manifesto entitled “The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.” The Revolutionary Convention decides that from now on every Frenchman and Frenchwoman must refer to each other “citizen” and “citizen.” The Declaration proclaimed the individual’s freedom of speech, the word, conscience, the equality of citizens before the law, the inviolability of private property and even the right of everyone to resist oppression.
However, even earlier, on July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress of North America proclaimed by its declaration the separation of the colonies from the metropolis and the formation of an independent state – the United States. This document was later called “the first declaration of human rights”.
As for Russia, after the October coup the Bolsheviks also declared a lot. For example, a week after the revolution, on November 15, 1917, the Council of People’s Commissars approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia, which proclaimed the principles of equality and sovereignty of all the peoples of the empire, their right to self-determination. Or the Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People, adopted by the Third All-Russian Congress of Soviets on January 25, 1918, and proclaiming the main task of the Soviet government the abolition of any exploitation of man by man and the establishment of a socialist organization of society.
But behind all these beautiful words and beautiful slogans there is no main thing. Because, in fact, in Russia, everything often happens according to a well-known expression: they wanted it better, but it turned out, as always. Already in the history of the new Russia, President Yeltsin tried to implement a long-standing – even Bolshevik! – The Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia. And what happened? Nothing good. The consequences in the form of a bloody Chechen war and cruel acts of terrorism are still unknown how many people in our country will remember with shudder.
It is not better with human rights. A Russian citizen who entered the 21st century repeats the winged expression pronounced by his ancestors, one hundred and even two hundred years ago: “The one who has the power is right.”
It seems to me that not only an individual, but society as a whole, should be prepared to receive the rights and assume civil duties. Economic prosperity should be created, which will become a solid foundation in the maintenance of law and order. In the meantime, we are forced to live in the legal system that best corresponds to our current economic, social, political and ideological state. While in the criminal news will be reported on the gangster groups led by the police generals, until the murder of businessmen and even State Duma deputies will not cease to be the routine of our life, there is nothing to talk about rights. We are still far from equality before the law.