Non-union proposals with a subordinate connection are an unconditioned proposal, which both in structure and in the semantic relations between parts are identical to complex sentences. Such unconscious proposals consist of only two parts and are called closed, unionless complex sentences (or uncommitted proposals of a closed structure).
The fixed (not free) order of the arrangement of the two parts of the closed, non-union proposal helps to establish the semantic relations between these predicative parts, that is, when the parts of an un-union proposal are rearranged, the semantic relations between them change or the proposal as a whole is destroyed. For example, in the sentence I was late: the machine broke the second part of the complex sentence tells the reason, and in the sentence the Machine broke down – I was late the second part is a consequence of what is reported in the first part.
Parts of such a complex sentence are formed by an explanatory intonation (one part explains the other) or a contrasting intonation (the first part of the sentence is characterized by a very high tone, the second – by a drop in tone). From the semantic relationships between parts of a complex sentence in oral speech depends intonation, and on the letter – the choice of a punctuation mark (a colon or dash).
Between the parts of closed, complex, complex sentences, various types of semantic relations are established, that is, the semantic role of the subordinate part in relation to the main one is determined. We can distinguish such varieties:
An explanatory unconventional sentence is an unconditioned complex sentence, in which the first part contains supporting words-verbs that require addition, explanation, dissemination, which is the content of the second part: I knew that the blow of fate will not bypass me (M. Yu. Lermontov).
Explanatory union-free sentence is an unconditioned complex sentence, in which the second part reveals, concretizes, explains the content of the first part (often a single word or the phrase of the first part): The whole city is there: the swindler on the swindler sits and swindles (NV Gogol).
The non-union proposal of justification and the reasons are an unconditioned complex proposal, the second part of which contains the justification or the reason for what is said in the first part: It’s impossible to sleep, the nurse: it’s so stuffy here! (AS Pushkin). I’m sad: I do not have a friend with me (AS Pushkin).
The unconditioned proposal with the predicative construction of the investigation is an unconditioned proposal, the second part of which is a consequence of the action named in the first part of the sentence. Some non-union proposals with causal predicative construction can be turned into sentences with investigative predicative construction. To do this, it is enough to swap the predicate designs: I opened the window: it was stuffy (reason). It was stuffy – I opened the window (effect).
A counter-idealess alliance proposal is a proposal, in the second part of which there is a sharp opposition to what is said in the first part: I knew about the verses from the very beginning – I knew nothing about prose (AA Akhmatova).
Contradiction in an uncounted complex sentence is often associated with a denial:
Not for the songs of spring over the plain
The road to me is a green expanse –
I fell in love with the grief of a crane
On a high mountain monastery
Many non-union proposals are characterized by a multivalued semantic relationship between parts of a complex sentence; these relationships often do not lend themselves to unambiguous interpretation: the boundaries between different meanings are blurred and not clear enough.