In the battle of Toulon against the supporters of the king in the south of France, the uninitiated young Bonaparte, with the sharp intervention of his column, brought victory to the Republicans. This was his first victory. Prince Andrew, who served in the headquarters of Kutuzov, never for a moment lets go of the idea of fame. Therefore, “Toulon” constantly neighbors with his name as the first step to it. Napoleon became for the prince an idol. Before the battle all night there is an inner dialogue of the hero with himself, which no one can kill. He does not need a father, a sister, or a wife waiting for a child. On a foggy night before the battle, he was clearly aware of the extent to which he was indifferent to all those close to him. He did not look at the sky of Austerlitz, deepening only in his thoughts. All night long before the battle he could not sleep. The prince, revising his life, has not yet radically changed: the love of strangers,
It was a gray, drizzly morning. But, strangely enough, over the clear blue sky of Austerlitz shone over Napoleon, as if foretelling a victory for him. The golden sun was floating in the sky. And when it lit up everything around Napoleon, he signaled the offensive, taking off the glove from a beautiful hand.
Kutuzov immediately assumed that it would be lost. Prince Andrew hoped by his intervention to reverse the course of the battle. And now there was a chance to show personal heroism when the mass flight of soldiers began from a position. He picked up the banner and ran forward, not paying attention to the bullets that flew by. And the soldiers followed him. But, wounded, he falls, and here for the first time he sees the sky of Austerlitz. It is in an extraordinary distance. In the sky, unlike the earth, everything is calm. There is no noise, no din, no shouting, no explosions, no violent movement, no malice, no fights. There, high, there is silence. Quietly the clouds are creeping. They are calm and solemn. Prince Andrew is astonished to see the sky of Austerlitz. An excerpt about the sky shows how the prince’s look changes-yes, all the deception that seduced him. The antithesis is used – there is an opposition of a hot fight and rest, silence. There is only the sky. “