I’m in sixth class. and, of course, I really want to graduate from high school. Without secondary education can not do, it’s understandable. At school, we comprehend the basics of all the necessary knowledge: native language and literature, algebra and geometry, biology, physics and chemistry, astronomy, history and jurisprudence, many practical skills in labor lessons, different for boys and girls. But recently, my friends and I argued: do we have to study all school subjects and do we need to get higher education? After all, now a lot of people work, having a very narrow specialization or completely out of the specialty that is indicated in their diploma, my classmates told me. Why math the subtleties of the Russian language, and the historian – the basis of chemistry? I do not agree with my friends.
An educated person can not have broad knowledge and do not know the most elementary. Without a base, which the school gives, it is impossible to get a higher education. Yes, and higher education implies a very wide range of knowledge: in humanitarian and technical universities, in addition to basic subjects, many other things are studied: history and philosophy, logic and economics, native language and foreign languages. All sciences are closely related to each other, and one can not be an excellent specialist without knowing the core and that one way or another comes into contact with that area of knowledge in which you are well-oriented. Now there are a lot of technical schools and universities that produce a lot of various specialists, even the surplus of some professions on the labor market. Work is not always easy to find and you never know what you will have to do in life. Hence I think,
Do not wear knowledge behind your shoulders. they always, sooner or later, will be needed. At home there should always be encyclopedias and reference books, dictionaries and textbooks, you always need to be interested in the new. Each person, in my opinion, should be able to do any work without dividing it into female and male. And so we need to carefully study all the school and university subjects, because without some nuances there can not be a complete and holistic perception of some issue, something can be missed. I do not agree with the words of the comic children’s song “The more you know, the more you forget”. On the contrary, the more you know, the more information you can remember, the wider the range of knowledge that you own, and the easier in the depths of your subconscious you can find the necessary information. Knowledge is not heavy, they should not be worn behind the shoulders,
Наверное, нет ученика, который бы за время своего пребывания в школе не задавал себе вопрос: зачем нужно учиться? И ответы на этот вопрос, конечно же, как и сами ученики, разные: от “вообще незачем” до “конечно же, нужно”. Зависят ответы и от настроения, и от успехов или неудач ребят в то время, когда этот вопрос был задан. От рождения до последних дней человек решает множество задач, которые ставит перед ним жизнь. Решая их так или иначе, он пытается осуществить мечту: научиться управлять своей жизнью. В наше время для этого надо вооружиться и овладеть системой самых современных знаний в сферах физического и интеллектуального развития. И основа этого развития человека закладывается как раз в школе. Ведь ежедневная учеба в школе, помимо усвоения знаний по математике, физике, языкам, литературе. приучает к прилежанию, трудолюбию, терпению. А учиться без труда и терпения невозможно, это знает каждый.
Examples of this we can find, looking around. Is it for anybody a secret that the one who does more is better and better? And he does because he has more interests-for example, schooling, dancing, sports, various clubs. Labor in general and the work of a schoolboy are phenomena of the same order. If a person is accustomed to an unresolved problem, the one that he did not turn out at home, write off on the windowsill in the school, then one can hardly expect that he will finish any case that he did not get right away. And work is one of the first steps of any activity, like any success.
Childhood and adolescence – the age when a person reveals himself, and helps him in this acquaintance with the first areas of application of his abilities – school subjects. In these searches – a huge sense: each person can reveal their real, but not yet identified opportunities. For example, if you have a tendency to study the exact sciences (mathematics, physics or chemistry), then perhaps this will determine when choosing a future profession – an economist, an accountant, a scientist. And this will help you to determine your life for many years to come. Pupils in the school not only master the knowledge of how they most often think about themselves, but also try themselves in this or that field of activity.
In how to find yourself. schoolchildren will always be helped by teachers – they are interlocutors whom you can trust, experienced, knowledgeable people. Their main task is to discuss with you the immense range of issues contained in the problem, to help them find themselves, to become in the future a good person and a highly qualified specialist in the chosen profession. There is no one who can be angry with nature, that she has cheated him, each person has a wide, basically identical set of inclinations and abilities, one has only to learn how to find and develop them. Therefore, each person can master any business, any profession, but only having determined his inclination to a certain occupation, studying the subject at school, one can achieve real success in life.