Biography Rozov Victor Sergeevich

(born 1913)

Rozov Victor Sergeevich (born 1913), playwright.
Born July 8 (21 N. s.) In Yaroslavl in the family accountant.
Childhood years passed in his native city. In 1918, during the mutiny organized by Savinkov, the city burned. The Pink family, who lost all property that had fled from Yaroslavl, settled in Vetluga.
From the age of ten the future writer lived in Kostroma, studied at school, dreamed of becoming an agronomist.
At 16 he came to Moscow, he found Timiryazev Academy, but it was not possible to enter there. He did not take the children of employees to higher educational institutions (working time was required). Rozov starts working at a textile factory, acquiring the necessary experience, but then goes to study at the Kostroma Industrial College (where studied his brother). A year later he leaves for the Theater of the young spectator and becomes an amateur actor.
In 1934, Rozov arrives in Moscow in the school at the Theater of

the Revolution, after graduating which enters the troupe of the theater.
In July 1941 he went to the militia. Due to a serious wound, he spent almost a year in hospitals and became disabled. Acts in the correspondence department of the Literary Institute, lives with his father in Kostroma, where he leads the propaganda team.
After the war, Rozov went to Alma-Ata, organized the Theater for children and young people and worked for several years in it. Returning to Moscow, he works at the TsDKZH Theater (Central House of Culture of Railway Workers) as an actor and director, and toured extensively with the theater throughout the country.
The first play by Rozov’s “Her Friends” was staged in 1949 on the stage of the Central Children’s Theater and was a success. After this, his plays appear regularly: “The page of life” (1953); “Good luck!” (1954); “In Search of Joy” (1957); “Unequal battle” (1960); “On the Road” (1962); “Traditional collection” (1967). Roses’ plays are enjoyed by the viewer with unchanging success, which is caused by the author’s constant attention to the changing world of youth, understanding of her problems. The well-known film “The Cranes Are Flying” was filmed based on the play “Forever Alive” by Rozov. Rozov lives and works in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Rozov Victor Sergeevich