Composition “I want to tell you”

Love the book, it will make life easier for you, help you to understand the motley and turbulent confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect the person and yourself, it inspires the mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for man. M. Gorky The oak is green by the sea; The golden chain on the oak is: And day and night the cat scientist All walks the chain around. Fantastic children’s world of dreams and fantasies. A kind smile of the mother, her tender hands, a mysterious voice that leads me astonishingly beautiful. The meeting with Pushkin’s book happened easily and happily, she became my friend, an adviser. Years passed. I grew up, learned to write, understand friends, see the beauty of nature and love. And my book grew with me, gave me the joy of feeling life, explaining a lot in it, vospi? Wearing feelings. Let’s talk about love. What could be more beautiful? The greatest works of world prose, poetry and dramaturgy of all ages are associated with this theme. The theme of love unites such different poets as Pushkin, Fet, Tyu? Chev, Yesenin, Mayakovsky. Each of them is original in its own way, but Pushkin’s love poetry is the highest model of perfection. Poeh? not thoughts? life without love,? groaning, freedom: But I do not want, about the other, to die; I want to live, to think and suffer.
Pushkin shows his love for life, which is expressed through love to friends, towards nature, towards women, towards freedom and kindness in his poems. After all, friendship, nature, freedom, love all this was the essence of his life, that was the burning of Pushkin’s heart. Being in exile, in Mikhailovsky, he writes: I’m sad: I have no friend with me, Who would I drink long with, Who could shake the heart from the heart And wish the merry for many years. In poems Pushkin-poet glorifies friendship: My friends, our union is beautiful! He, as a soul, is inseparable and eternal. He is unstoppable, free and unconcerned, He was gathered under the shadow of amicable muses. The poetry poems of the poet are amazingly picturesque and expressive. This is also a love for your edge, nature, earth: Dull time! Oche charm! I like your farewell beauty. So writes Pushkin in the poem Autumn. His poems dedicated to nature are wonderful: Winter morning, Cloud, Caucasus, Flower. But most of all I am amazed with what unique beauty and tenderness the poet sings love to a woman. An amazingly delicate and complex world reveals the poet’s love poetry. We meet with different shades of emotional experiences: from the timid, only incipient feeling of love in the poem You and you: You are empty hearted You, pray, replaced And all happy dreams In the soul of a lover excited. to the tragic experiences of unrequited love in the novel Eugene Onegin. Pushkin’s love is more beautiful than music: From the pleasures of life One love gives in to love, But love is a melody. And, like any melody, it can be joyful, sad, and dramatic. After all, love is not only tenderness, harmony and happiness, She is also familiar with feelings of sadness and separation. Love is one fun of life cold, Love is the same way of life; She gives only one moment of relief, And the end is not visible to the sorrows. In the poetry, which is Pushkin’s poetic diary, he confesses in his experiences, unfulfilled hopes, bitter partings: I loved you: love is still, perhaps, In my soul I have not completely quenched; But do not let her bother you anymore?; I do not want to sadden you with anything! How touching these lines, full of sadness, love and longing! I am amazed by the ability of the hero to sacrifice his happiness in the name of his beloved! Only a very clean, kind person can wish a woman who continues to love dearly, happiness with another: I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, As God give you my beloved to be different. Waves of love experiences absorbed Pushkin and turned into magnificent poems: Confession, Talisman. One of the poet’s beautiful poems is I remember a wonderful moment. devoted to Anna Kern. It contains a love experience, a remembrance of beautiful years. After all, their first acquaintance ended. In the wilderness, in the darkness of the imprisonment My days quietly dragged On Without a god, without inspiration, Without tears, without life, without love. Then Pushkin again meets Kern: Again you appeared as a fleeting vision, like a genius of pure beauty. And the poet’s heart again burns and loves. And the heart beats in ecstasy, And for him resurrected again And the deity, and inspiration, And life, and tears, and love. I see in the poems of Pushkin so much spiritual beauty and charm that I forget about everything in the world and get into the magical world of love, which the poet recreates so beautifully. I love the lyrics of Pushkin, she touches such secret strings of the soul, about which a person probably does not know. This kindness, humanity, tenderness, sincerity, the ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the happiness of a loved one. For Pushkin, love is a source of inspiration. For me, Pushkin’s lyrics are an inexhaustible source of knowledge and high poetic pleasure. Friendship with the book continues. I open in her more and more new pages that make me sing my heart and soul.



