Painting by P. Konchalovsky “Lilac in the basket”

Creativity of the artist P. P. Konchalovsky glorifies the beauty of the surrounding world. The painter had the talent to convey the phenomena of nature so that a person looking at his paintings involuntarily thought about his inability to consider beauty in ordinary things. The main genres of Konchalovsky’s art were landscape painting, painting and still life. His paintings invariably had bright expressive colors. Not an exception is the still-life “Lilac”, where the artist painted a bouquet of lilac in a woven vase. In general, this artist has many paintings on which the lilac is depicted.

One sage said that a person needs for happiness very little: the sun, the sky and the flower. And indeed, the whole life of a person is associated with flowers: a newborn person is greeted with a bouquet, flowers are given for the holidays and just so, no wedding is not without flowers, people are buried with flowers. And when a person wants to relax with his soul, he goes to nature, where trees and flowers are not only pleasing to the eye, they are also doctors of souls. Therefore, it is no accident that the artist painted on his canvas twigs of lilac.

He was deeply convinced that it was the beauty of flowers that helps a person to feel the beautiful, to feel the fullness of life. Without flowers, our life would be noticeably poorer, although we do not think about it. It often happens that the beauty of a flowering branch helps to soften the soul of a person, to bring him comfort. Ivan Turgenev, at the end of his life wrote to his friends from France, where he lived at that moment: “When you are in Spassky, bow from my house, garden, my young oak, homeland, bow, which I will probably never see “. And he asked me to send a lilac branch. His friends fulfilled this request.

In the morning, at dawn,
On the dewy grass
I’ll go fresh in the morning to breathe,
And in the fragrant shadow,
Where the lilacs are crowding,
I’ll go and look for my happiness…

These lines belong to the Russian poetess E. Beketova. And these lines, in my opinion, are consonant with the mood that the artist conveys in the painting “Lilacs”.

A rich, luxurious beauty of a bouquet of lilacs was painted by a painter. White, dark purple and lilac blossoming branches are collected in a bouquet, which is so tempting to inhale its aroma. The abundance of colors depicted in the picture is striking, this is some riot of colors and beauty. The artist managed to depict the bouquet in such a way that it seems that the lilacs had just been cut and brought to the room. Magnificent, lush lilac written out by the artist carefully, to the smallest detail: its petals, leaves, twigs.

The paints that the artist used to enchant and amaze with his combination. The brightness of the lilac flowers depicted on the canvas and their contrast in color produce exactly the impression that the painter sought to bring to the viewer: a lilac blossoming in the spring, as well as itself, spring brings joy and renewal to the people. That is, “Lilac in a basket” is a picture of spring, and thus not just the spring as a season, but spring as a state of the human soul. The picture of Konchalovsky shows that the artist admires the generous, rich nature and has a deep love for her.



