All of Russia is our garden

When Chekhov pronounced the name of his new play, it seemed to Stanislavsky that it was about something beautiful, dearly loved. The atmosphere of beauty, love, sadness envelops the image of the cherry garden from the beginning to the end of the play. A room that is still called a children’s room. One of the doors leads to Ani’s room. Dawn, the sun will soon rise. Already May, cherry trees bloom, but in the garden it’s cold, morning. – this is the first remark of the play.

The idea of ​​May, the spring, the sunny cold morning is combined with the idea of ​​the early age of human life. The rhythm of the remark is melodic, smooth. All this really creates the impression of something beautiful, like childhood, like spring. But a little audible and a note of sadness.

What does the image of the cherry orchard mean, why is it made as if the center of the play? Let’s see what different comedy heroes say about him.

Lopakhin. Wonderful in this garden is only that it is very large. Cherry will be born every two years, and there is nowhere to go, nobody buys.

Love Andreevna. (He looks out the window at the garden.) Oh my childhood, my cleanliness! In this nursery I slept, looked at the garden, happiness woke up with me every morning, and then it was exactly like that, nothing has changed. (Laughs with joy.) All, all white! O my garden! After a dark rainy autumn and a cold winter, again you are young, full of happiness, the angels of heaven have not left you. If I took off my heavy stone from my chest and shoulders, if I could forget my past!

Anya. What have you done to me, Petya, why do I no longer love the cherry garden, as before? I loved him so gently, it seemed to me that there was no better place on earth than our garden.

Trofimov. All of Russia is our garden. The earth is great and beautiful, there are many wonderful places on it. (Pause.) Think, Anya, your grandfather, great-grandfather and all your ancestors were serf owners who owned living souls, and do not any human beings look at you from every cherry in the garden, from every leaf, from every trunk, do you hear voices.

The cherry garden is dear to its owners – Ranevskaya, Gayev, dear as a memory of childhood and youth, well-being, of an easy, elegant life; they cry about the loss of the garden, but they also ruined it, they gave it under the ax. The garden is peculiarly expensive and Lopakhin –

As a testimony of his best achievements, a great place for investing capital and energy of the entrepreneur. In a different cherry garden roads Trofimova and Ana: they love the garden as one of the wonderful places of Russia, a country still deprived and scolded, but beautiful, a country of great future.

The cherry orchard is a play about the homeland, about the imaginary and genuine masters of the Russian land, about the near renewal of Russia.

The play covers approximately six months: from the last May to the first October frosts; In this short time, many actors change internally.

The characters of Chekhov’s heroes differ in different depth and complexity. Chekhov does not create single-line, poster characters: he seems to teach the viewer to understand the contradictory, changing spiritual appearance of a person. In the images of Ranevskaya, Lopakhin, Petit

Trofimova, Ani and after the final curtain there is something unsaid, which makes readers and spectators to reflect and argue.



