“School years are wonderful…”

School, school friends, school teachers, school love… Some have it all left in the past, for others, like, for example, for us, it’s part of the present life, well, it’s still waiting for someone.

The astronaut, the banker, the pilot, the artist, the turner, the sailor, the janitor, the doctor, etc. – all of them “come from childhood”, come from school years. Everyone used to sit at desks, write test papers and take exams, pass notes on lessons, loved some subjects and could not stand others. I thought about the question: what makes the school days truly wonderful? Take at least my class-11 “b”. We all believe that we are very fortunate: in the fifth class of our “classroom” was Zoya Petrovna. Before her arrival, it was believed that among us there are good and bad. But Zoya Petrovna managed to find good, good in everyone, “pull” this “something” out and show the rest of the class. It’s amazing how she managed it, how quickly she managed to rally our class! Everyone tried to match that good in themselves, that the whole class showed our “cool”. And all the bad things that sometimes moved in the shower, all the more rarely and rarely broke through to the surface. Good relationships became the norm in our class.

Thousands of times the folk wisdom is true: “What a priest, so is the parish.” Zoya Petrovna has always been smooth, friendly, kind-hearted. Only once in all these years she raised her voice to us, and even then – we saw it – she executed herself for her lack of restraint. Educational problems, relationships, sometimes very complex, all managed to settle calmly and to a common agreement. And we with her became better each year, more tolerant to each other, friendlier. It’s hard for me to imagine that the day will come when we will all be scattered from the school nest in different directions. After all, although “school years are wonderful,” but “how fast they fly”! But school friendship is the longest and the most faithful. This I see on the example of my mother and elder sister. All of their closest friends are friends of school years.

How many happy days we lived together! How many jokes and laughter! How many serious problems were discussed! How they argued until hoarseness about the vicissitudes of fate, about the seriousness of the first love! How many musical and dancing evenings, excursions, picnics with field porridge! And always, everywhere, from the beginning to the end Zoya Petrovna was with us. But she has her own family, two children.

I often thought: what is the main thing in the nature of our “cool”? Which rod did not allow her to ever depart from the intended goal: to make us kind and thinking? And that’s what I came to: Zoya Petrovna never enjoyed the benefits of an adult. From the fifth grade, she began to treat us not as unreasonable children, but as “people.” And again: she completely lacked such a trait as the desire to humiliate a negligent or guilty student. I knew firmly that humiliation in front of friends is the worst thing you can imagine. For all people. And for teenagers especially.

Zoya Petrovna turned our school years into happy and not simply wonderful, as the song says, but the most wonderful. To each student I wish to meet on my school path my Zoya Petrovna!



