Composition on the theme “Right”

Everyone from birth has natural rights. All of them are enshrined in the Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the international community. Surprisingly, people took centuries to understand their rights and approve them. But they are so simple and clear! I think that if all people respect their own and others’ rights, on Earth there will be less grief, tears and injustice.

The first and main human right is his right to Life. It must be sacred to all. Also, everyone has the right not only to live his life, but to live it worthy. So that no one else will humiliate a person, morally or physically. Did not beat, did not intimidate, did not force to something. A person has the right to personal dignity and freedom. And therefore he has the right to freely choose: on whom to study, where to work, whom to love.

Also, everyone is entitled to private property. This is human nature, that we all want to have.

Something your own: home, car and other things. No one has the right to take it away from us.

The state and its laws should protect human rights. But people often have to protect themselves from the state and its leaders. Seventy years ago in our country they shot children who did not want to serve in the army. At the same time, in Europe, some women were forbidden to give birth to children for the sake of “purity of the nation”.

It is very good that these times have passed, mankind has become more conscious. But we can not say that human rights are generally well observed, and in our country too. For rich and powerful citizens, the law seems to be broader, but for the common people already.

Personally, I believe that each of us must monitor for himself whether his rights and freedoms are violated. And of course, defend them. And also, and this is the main thing – to respect the rights of others, no less than your own. Then our state can be called legal.



