Music in our life

Music comes into our lives from childhood. True, our early musical impressions are most often limited to the simplest kinds of music – song, march and dance. But we get used to this music so quickly and so we really begin to love it, that we can not even imagine how you can live without it, how you can live without it.

And never, it seems, any of the guys asked: how to learn to understand how to love a song, a march or a dance? When love comes to us for this music and its understanding – we do not even notice. But about how to love and how to learn to understand more complex music, the guys ask often. And sometimes they say: “I love songs very much, but when I hear serious music on the radio, it makes me boring.” How can you learn to understand such music? “

But in fact to serious music are very many songs. Is not the “Buchenwald Alarm” or “Hymn of Democratic Youth” a serious music?

“Serious” music guys usually call music without singing, music for different instruments, especially for a symphony orchestra. But among the children’s favorite musical plays, the “Dance of the Little Swans” and “Neapolitan Song” by Tchaikovsky, written for the symphony orchestra, and “The Turkish March” by Mozart, written for the piano, seem to be in the first place! And these plays, like a great many such plays, belong to the real serious music. Why are they so easy to listen and enjoy so much love? Because these plays are simple, understandable in nature, by the way they are constructed, that is, in their musical form. But this is not the only reason. It’s also because these songs are based on the very same song, dance and march, to which we have been accustomed since childhood.

Do not be surprised and do not be upset if large and complex compositions, such as symphonies, sonatas, quartets, may not seem immediately understandable and interesting to you. After all, big and serious books like Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” have become understandable and interesting for you, too, not in childhood, but already in adolescence. The time will come when you will appreciate all the tremendous strength and depth, all the extraordinary beauty of the symphonies of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, the sonatas of Chopin and Prokofiev! In the meantime, listen carefully to the music of the works of small and uncomplicated ones. Such works with good explanatory explanations, which will help you understand music, are performed a lot in radio programs for children, and in various concerts. Those works that interest you, try to listen several times.

And remember: how many years have you learned to read, understand and love books? And to learn to listen, love and understand music, it also takes years. You will imperceptibly approach the day when you say: “I can not imagine life without serious music, just as I can not imagine it without a serious book.”



