Biography Vinokurov Evgeniy Mikhailovich
(born 1925)
Vinokurov Eugene Mikhailovich (born 1925), the poet.
He was born on October 22 in Bryansk, in the family of a serviceman. He studied at school until the tenth grade. The outbreak of the Patriotic War interrupted education: Vinokurov went to the officer artillery school, where a two-year program was held for nine months and produced young officers.
Vinokurov was not even 18 when he took command of an artillery platoon in the autumn of 1943. The war ended in Silesia. Was demobilized. He first appeared with verse in the press in 1948, when he entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky, who graduated in 1951. In the same year the first book “Poems about Debt” was published, in 1956 – a collection of poems “Sineva”, approved by B. Pasternak.
E. Vinokurov becomes a recognized poet, writes a lot and is actively published: collections “Military lyrics” (1956); “Recognition” (1958); “The Face of Man” (1960); “Words” (1962); “Music” (1964); “Rhythm” (1966); “Spectacles” (1968); “Metaphors” (1972); “Earring with Malaya Bronnaya” (1975); “Space” (1976); “The lot” (1978), etc.
E. Vinokurov belongs to the collection of literary-critical articles “Poetry and Thought” (1966). In 1976, “Selected Works” by E. Vinokurov was published in two volumes. Lives and works in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.