Environmental problems can be called a number of factors that mean the degradation of our natural environment. Often they are caused by direct human activities. As the industry developed, problems arose directly related to the imbalance, previously established in the ecological environment, which are difficult to compensate.
The ecological problems of the world are manifold. To date, the situation in the world is such that we are in a critical condition, close to collapse. Among the global problems of ecology can be noted such as:
– Destruction of thousands of species of animals and plants, increasing the number of endangered species;
– reduction of the stock of minerals and other vital resources;
– extermination of the forest;
– pollution and depletion of the world’s oceans;
– violation of the ozone layer, which protects us from radiation from outer space;
– air pollution, lack of clean air in some areas;
– pollution of the natural landscape.
Today, there is almost no surface on which man-made elements would not have been found. The pernicious nature of the influence of man as a consumer on nature is indisputable. The mistake is that the world around us is not only a source of wealth and various resources. Man has lost the philosophical relation to nature as the mother of all living things.
The problems of modernity lie in the fact that we are not brought up by the love of nature and care for it. Man as a being in itself is selfish, creates conditions for his own comfort, breaking and ruining nature. We do not think about how to harm ourselves. It is for this reason that today it is necessary to pay special attention not so much to the solution of environmental problems as to the education of man as a part of nature.
The problems of the environment are initially divided according to their scale to regional, local and global. An example of a local problem is a factory that does not purify the drains before making a discharge into the river, and thus pollutes the water and destroys the living organisms that live in this water. Speaking about regional problems, as an example, we can cite the well-known situation in Chernobyl. The tragedy affected thousands of people’s lives, as well as animals and other biological organisms that previously lived in the area. And, finally, global problems are those critical situations that affect the population of the whole planet and can be deadly to millions of us.
The environmental problems of the world today require an immediate solution. First of all, as mentioned above, it is worth paying attention to the human factor. Coming to harmony with nature, people will cease to treat it exclusively consumer. Further, it is necessary to take a number of measures for general ecologization. To do this, we will need to develop new environmental-friendly technologies in production and in everyday life, we need an environmental assessment of all new projects, we need to create a non-waste production of a closed cycle.
Returning to the human factor, it is worth mentioning that there is no harm in the ability to save, limit yourself. Reasonable expenditure of resources such as energy, water, gas, etc., can save the planet from their lack. It is worth knowing and remembering that while you have clean fresh water in the tap, some countries suffer from drought, and the population of these countries is dying from lack of liquid.
Environmental problems of the world can and should be addressed. Remember that the preservation of nature and the healthy future of the planet depends solely on ourselves! Of course, well-being is impossible without the use of resources, but it is worthwhile to think about the fact that oil and gas can end in a few decades. Environmental problems of the world affect everyone and everyone, do not remain indifferent!