“Let us worship goodness.”
Now, in a century when machines perform hundreds of operations and replace dozens of people, it becomes a primary problem of spiritual warmth.
This, of course, sounds very strange. Suddenly, next to the word “problem”, the words “morality”, “good”, “warmth” are put. But, unfortunately, especially now it has become necessary to think about this more often, because you have to be kinder to each other, listen, feel the souls of others, do not pass by people who call for help. It’s bad when people, seeking for their own well-being, forget that they exist, they live in this world not alone, that around them are also people who need to be thought about, with which it is necessary to reckon. The callousness of the soul is the most terrible disease in the world. A. P. Chekhov said: “Hurry to do good.” If we first simply do not pay attention to someone else’s grief, drown out the voice of our own conscience, convincing ourselves that then we catch up on lost time, but for now there are a lot of worries, then by doing so we will kill in ourselves the most valuable quality – the ability to do good. It coarsens our heart, covers it with an impenetrable crust, through which no more pleas for help. After the loss of kindness, inevitable loss of morality occurs. Such a person is capable of everything. It is necessary to fight against this, not to allow human degeneration, and it is not surprising that most of the works of contemporary writers are devoted to this topic. The authors urge us to be kinder, soulful with each other, remembering the history, the lessons of the past war. One of these authors was Vasily Shukshin. His works are imbued with a great love for their land, for people. The cordiality with which every word permeates, every line of his works, shows how dear to the writer his Homeland, ordinary people. He loves everything: both the sky, and the birds, and the rustle of the wind. In my opinion, V. Shukshin managed to capture everything with his love, warmth, sincerity, simplicity and high morality. His best characters are the same as himself. They are distinguished by sincerity, a deep understanding of others, moral purity. Yegor Prokudin in “Kalina red” – the image of a person deeply experiencing. From the dark thieves’ world he stepped into a new and light. His soul remained pure, he does not want to return to the past. The author shows that true kindness and morality can not disappear. His soul remained pure, he does not want to return to the past. The author shows that true kindness and morality can not disappear. His soul remained pure, he does not want to return to the past. The author shows that true kindness and morality can not disappear.
The hero of the work “There is such a guy.” Strikes with spontaneity and kindness. He can naively “bend” something, but in his heart he is beautiful. Vasily Shukshin, showing such people, makes one believe in good, in his power. Morality and kindness are great forces, and we must understand them correctly.
The good educates and exalts the person, and anger and indifference humiliate him. If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the name of a person.
Love and good brought us in 1945 to the great Victory. Faith in good leads us through life now. It’s terrible to meet with callousness and rudeness. In my opinion, it is necessary to believe in people, the best in them, it is necessary to severely punish the evil. It is possible to cure mankind from these terrible diseases.