Genius devoted an impressive part of his work to the theme of poetry and poet. The theme of the poet in the work of Lermontov, his loneliness at a certain stage becomes the main motive. Opposition to the crowd and the rejection of the lyrical hero by the society, tragedy and eternal solitude become the main idea of the poems “The Death of the Poet”, “The Poet”.
The first work played a decisive role in the fate of the creator, causing his political exile to the Caucasus, because he, like Pushkin, dared to condemn the ruling power. The theme of poetry and poet in the poem “The Poet” is somewhat different, in which the reader can see the extended continuation of the lyrical and romantic concept of man. Lermontov puts on the court of the reader some kind of opposition of two types of poets: the author who serves the crowd with his work, and the creator, as his writer ideally represents. Confrontation in the poem is a metaphor – in the form of a rusty dagger. This method of parallelism builds before the reader an optimistic bright image of the prophet, which is a symbol of civic poetry in general.