“My future profession is a designer” composition

Choosing a future career is not an easy task. At the moment I’m in the final year of the school, so I seriously think about my opportunities for further education. My parents want me to enter a law school, but I have other interests. I know that the work of a lawyer is prestigious and well paid. However, when a person does not like his work, money will not help. One of my constant hobbies is the design of clothes for dolls. First I make a sketch of what I want to create, and then I transfer it to the fabric. I already have a large collection of dresses and other garments for my dolls. I’m not saying that I should definitely become a famous designer, but I could create everyday clothes for ordinary people. I know that professional designers need to study at a specialized school, at least for several years. In our city there are many such institutions. After I learn the basics, I would like to improve my skills in Italy. Everyone knows that this is the center of fashion. There are many fashion schools in which you can get professional training. I think that for me it will be an invaluable experience. Fashion is the next form of art. To be a designer I need to know a lot about different fabrics, colors and proportions. Moreover, I need inspiration. Designers, as artists. To get away from the beaten track, they must travel and find inspiration. Knowledge of various foreign languages ​​would also be useful. Along with visiting design courses, I plan to take lessons from Italian and French. These are my career plans for the future. Let’s hope that my parents understand and support me.

“My future profession is a designer” composition