Harmful habits are called so because they are dangerous to health. For example, some children have a bad habit of sucking and gnawing various small objects, fingers and nails. Meanwhile, they can be the pathogens of many diseases. Most of them are on unwashed hands.
Ugly shuffling his feet. Harmful is also the habit of hunching. After all, this spines the spine, and this worsens the work of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive organs. By the way, in ancient times it was believed that the root of all diseases – in the wrong posture.
But most of all, people are harmed by smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. From smoking suffer respiratory and cardiovascular systems: a person begins to breathe heavily, cough, it is difficult to walk. Poisons found in tobacco destroy brain cells, blood vessels, lungs. Smoking leads to serious illnesses.
Drunkenness, alcoholism are the most common enemies of health. From the wine, not only the body perishes, but, no less terribly, the soul, the personality is destroyed. Everything valuable that is in a person: his interests, skills, talent, kindness, desire for beauty – a drunkard loses. In pursuit of a glass of poisonous potions a person often commits offenses and even crimes.
But the body has an even more insidious enemy. His name is drug addiction. This is an irresistible painful addiction to the use of intoxicating substances – drugs. The addict does not belong to himself, all his thoughts are aimed at getting dope and using it as soon as possible. He has no other interests left. If there are no drugs, he suffers from “breaking” – a wild pain in the whole body. Therefore, the addict goes for everything, for any crime, just to get a drug. Addiction is a disease that destroys a person.
The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that it is only when they have become ill that they become addicted to the real horror. And before that it seems that nothing terrible will happen if “to try only razik” a pill, a cigarette with “grass”, etc. Accustoming occurs very quickly.
Addicts do not live long. As a rule, they die soon after they get sick. There are no old drug addicts.
Therefore, it is necessary to remember the main rule of drug abuse prevention: Neither Raz Not try any of the drugs and do not even touch them.
Many drug-related activities are crimes and punishable by law. This, in particular, the distribution of drugs, their storage, the cultivation of raw materials, etc.