The problem of parenting composition

The problem of education and training is an important problem of all times and peoples. After all, education is the foundation in the life of every person. It is on how the person will be brought up, what atmosphere will reign in his family, will depend on his future, his character and his life goals. Training is also undoubtedly important in the life of every person, because without education a person can not improve, achieve some goals.

Education helps a person to take place in life and self-fulfilling. Very well on the topic of education and education, he argued in his works “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth” Leo Tolstoy. Autobiographical trilogy tells us about the life of the writer himself, about his childhood, growing up. The protagonist of the work is Nikolenka Irteniev. We see how he comprehends the world, he knows everything that surrounds him: the world of adults and the world of the surrounding nature. The boy analyzes his and others’ actions, draws conclusions, sets goals.

In the work of VP Astafyev and “The Horse with a Pink Mane”, the problem of upbringing and education is also touched upon. After reading the work, we once again make sure that the entire future life of a person depends on upbringing. And on the example of the main character, influenced by his grandparents, it becomes clear how the personality is formed.

Fazil Iskander in his work “Thirteenth feat of Hercules”, like the previous authors, touches upon the problem of upbringing and education. On the example of the main character – an intelligent and competent teacher, we see how one person can affect another. A clever teacher, using the right pedagogical methods, helps children learn, find themselves, know the world. Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov in his novel “Woe from Wit” tells us that education and training are the main components of human life.

On behalf of Chatsky, we hear a lot of reasoning, his monologues bear a profound meaning. He criticizes the nobles, who recruited their “teachers of the regiment” for their children, but there was no use to it. Chatsky himself was educated, he strove for knowledge, but in a society with opposite interests he was unnecessary, since the nobles were brought up in a different way. It is very important to properly educate children, because of how the child will be brought up, all of his subsequent life, the life of his children, parents and relatives will depend.



