Maupassant liked to embarrass the peace of self-satisfied townsfolk. In the 1870s, when Europe was seized by fear of terrorist acts of Russian Narodnaya Volya, the young writer, together with his friends’ company, arranged a provocative rally, starting to portray a Russian nihilist with a bomb in a suburban train crammed with rich bourgeois. Innocent fun ended with the arrest of jokers, whom the police subjected to a thorough search and interrogation. Remembering Flaubert’s lessons, Maupassant told how he set out to him the task of describing a scene or interior with the help of one detail, which would give a basic idea of the atmosphere, lifestyle, characters and views of the inhabitants of the house. With great respect, G. de Maupassant treated Russian realistic literature. Acquainted with it, he was largely due to I. Turgenev – writer, with whom he was bound by the relationship of personal friendship and creative communication. Maupassant often gave him his manuscripts for reading, asked his advice, and Turgenev, for his part, enthusiastically propagandized his work in Russia. The author of the famous “Notes of the Hunter” Maupassant dedicated an extensive, sincere admiration article, and after the death of Turgenev wrote about him a heartfelt obituary.
Interesting details of the life and work of Guy de Maupassant