Painting by Kramskoy “Unknown”

Kramskoy Ivan Nikolaevich was born in 1837 and died in 1887. He was born in a middle-class family in the provincial town of Ostrogozhsk. He liked to draw from childhood, discovered outstanding abilities and studied at the Academy of Arts, but after receiving the Small Gold Medal for the program picture “Moses exudes water from the stone,” refused to work on pre-issued topics and left the Academy, becoming a portraitist and a member of the Wanderers Society.

He painted the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where, in particular, he painted the plafond, which remained unfinished after the death of his teacher. In his famous painting “Unknown” the artist portrayed a young beauty sitting in a cab on a background of a misty landscape. In the fog, buildings of St. Petersburg, the capital and the decoration of the Russian Empire loom. The girl is dressed in a dark overcoat with a sable collar, in a graceful hat with a white, lush feather. She sits in a loose pose in a mustache with a mustard coloring.

It is interesting to look at the girl’s face: half-closed eyes look down at the passer-by, somewhat ironically and, as it were, assessing him. Evil tongues, based on the fact that the woman is sitting on the left of the flight, as if leaving a place for the man next to her, say that she evaluates the “thickness of the wallet” of this passer-by, but maybe he is not right and the woman is just waiting for the one who went into the house near which there is a span, on business. The girl’s face is beautiful, sleek, dark eyes are half-closed, the pose proud and a little provocative. In general, the picture is very interesting, beautiful and attractive

Painting by Kramskoy “Unknown”