Tranquilism blows from the portrait of Kramskoy IN, which depicts the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Painter tried to convey the power that possessed a powerful writer in fact. What seems most important to me when I look at the picture? Did she help understand the soul of her favorite word master?
How incredibly amazing that two great geniuses, each in their creative school came together to create another masterpiece. I would like to be there, listen to what they say. Probably, this time, while the painting was being written, was intended for a deeper acquaintance. This is how an incredible similarity of the portrait with the original is achieved. Painter accurately transmits sparkle of eyes, when Tolstoy describes him his idea for a new work. Speaking about familiar and familiar things, the writer takes a natural relaxed posture, the gracefulness and grandeur of which is immediately noticed by the artist, and is transferred to the canvas. The simple atmosphere of the workshop is relaxing. Nothing superfluous and distracting, even the color of the curtain, served as a background, is in harmony with the master’s desire to convey a warm mood from work.
The portrait shows simplicity in the whole image of the writer, but even a simple peasant shirt serves as a symbol of the power of a word that distinguishes Russian speech of an ordinary person. It was this incredible power that enjoyed the genius of Tolstoy, surrounded by well-deserved fame.
In the picture I see a man with intelligent eyes who seem to understand everything, looking at me. He described so many characters, qualities and lives of characters that for each oncoming there is a consonant hero. A close look, a clever forehead and a characteristic beard are familiar to everyone who has ever seen Tolstoy’s portrait of LN. But now the writer himself is looking from his portrait and is trying to get to know us. Are we the descendants to whom he so boldly entrusted his open soul, transmitted through the literary heritage?