Jeddah Krishnamurti was a famous speaker, mystic, writer, philosopher and spiritual leader.
Childhood and early years
Jeddu Krishnamurti was born in the town of Madanapalle in the Madras presidency of British India, in a Hindu family of Brahmins who spoke Telugu.
In total, there were eleven children in the family, six of whom survived to adulthood. Parents have since childhood taught children to live a spiritual life.
In 1903, the family moved to a permanent residence in the city of Kudappa. As a child, Jeddah suffered a number of serious illnesses and was considered a mentally unbalanced child, because of which he was not liked in school. The boy was often beaten and teachers, and even his own father. When Jiddu turned 10 years old, his mother died, and then – and the sister, and the wounds from these losses will not heal in his soul for many years. But it is in this tragic period of his life that he finds peace in unity with nature. In 1909, he accidentally meets the predictor of Charles Webster Leadbeater, who, struck by the aura of Krishnamurti, predicts that, one day, he will become a teacher and “lead all mankind along the path of his development.”
Since then, Leadbeater has taken the boy under his protection and is sending him to study at the Theosophical Society in Adyar, and afterwards – and abroad. At this time Krishnamurti has a close spiritual connection with Dr. Annie Besant, in which he saw the image of the mother.
Late period
In 1911 the Theosophical Society founded the “Order of the Star of the East”, preparing the world for the appearance of a new spiritual guide and teacher in the person of Krishnamurti. In the same year he was sent to London, where he pronounced his first public sermon, and also publishes his first works. From 1911 to 1914, Jeddah and one of his brothers, accompanied by members of the Theosophical Society, visited a number of European countries.
After the end of the First World War, Krishnamurti, obeying the duty of the leader of the “Order of the Star of the East,” toured the whole world, reading sermons. In 1922, together with his brother, he traveled to California, where he stayed at Villa Ohay. It is here that he will meet one of the most significant figures of his life – Rosalind Williams.
In 1922, Krishnamurti goes through an experience he himself calls “an obvious spiritual awakening,” and even experiences a “mystical union.”
However, after the sudden death of his brother, the cause of which was tuberculosis, Krishnamurti’s belief in the ideas of the Theosophical Society was shaken. A few years later, in 1929, his life will take a new direction, which will lead to the dissolution of the spiritual organization. For the decision to go the other way, many followers turn away from him.
From 1930 to 1944 Krishnamurti travels the world and utters many speeches. Under the aegis of the publisher “Star Publication Trust”, founded by him with the help of his friend Desikacharya Rajagopal, he begins publishing his works. At the same time, a strong friendship arises between him and Aldous Huxley.
After a short break, in 1944, he again preached in Ohay. These public speeches will subsequently be merged into a compilation and published by Krishnamurti Writings Inc, the successor of Star Publishing Trust.
In the autumn of 1947, with sermons Krishnamurti rides India, and with his discourses attracts the attention of a group of thinking youth.
In the 1960s, he closely associates with David Bohm, whose systematic and metaphysical ideas about the corporeal world are quite consistent with his own views.
From 1984 to 1985, Krishnamurti appeared before the American public in New York.
In late 1985, he went to India, where he will hold his last “conversation” in Madras.
The main works
In 1954 his book “The First and Last Freedom” was published. This was the second work of Krishnamurti, published by an ordinary representative of the publishing market. The book, which dealt with questions of faith, desire, modesty and awareness, gained wide popularity and was reprinted 36 times in nine different languages of the world. Her specimens are placed in 1,566 libraries throughout the planet.
In partly autobiographical “Notes of Krishnamurti,” published in 1976, the author discusses the subject of states of self-consciousness. In 2003, after discovering new pages of the teacher’s diary, the book comes out in an expanded format. The work received the recognition of the whole world and formed the basis of two other publications: “Krishnamurti Magazine” and “Krishnamurti: Conversations with Yourself.”
Personal life and heritage
In 1921 Krishnamurti falls in love with an American Helen Knothe. However, in a serious relationship, this never grows, and Jeddah and Helen lose sight of each other.
Later he blazes with a feeling for Rosaline Williams, who helped him at the base of the School of the Happy Valley. But to be together they were not destined – in the end, Rosalind marries the best friend of Krishnamurti, Rajagopal.
Krishnamurti died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 90. His body was cremated, and ashes were dispelled in three countries where the spiritual leader was revered most: in India, England and the United States of America.
During his long life, the teacher has opened a number of schools around the world, including Brockwood Park School, the Happy Valley School and the Krishnamurti Foundation, which still opens schools in India and abroad.
Over time, his writings and teachings acquired a great influence on the traditional religious schools of India. After his death, all new books, audio courses, video – and digital materials appear, telling about his life and philosophy.
Faithful followers do not stop working in non-profit organizations and funds named after Krishnamurti, from his own archives inform his teaching to the masses.
Interesting Facts
It is believed that the philosophy and spiritual works of this popular Indian speaker and author were rigorously followed by Bruce Lee.