(born 1924)
Yury Bondarev (born in 1924), a prose writer. Born March 15 in Orsk in the Urals in the family of an administrative employee.
Childhood years have passed in Moscow. The outbreak of the Patriotic War prevented them from continuing their education: after graduating from high school, he went to the front. He was the commander of an artillery gun, during the whole war he destroyed enemy tanks.
After the war, as a public figure, he traveled widely to different countries, studying the history, way of life and customs of different peoples in depth.
In 1951 he graduated from the Literary Institute. M. Gorky, began professional literary activity. The collection of short stories “On the Great River” (1953), the story “The Youth of Commanders” (1956), “The Battalions Ask for Fire” (1957), The Last Salvoes (1959), the novel “Hot Snow” (1969).
In subsequent years, the artist’s philosophical understanding of the connection between man and time, the history of the country and the whole planet is deepening. These themes are revealed in the novels The Silence (1962), The Two (1964), The Beach (1975), The Choice (1980), The Game (1985), The Non-Resistance (1996). Bondarev lives and works in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.