Biography of Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali is a Spanish artist.

Staying under the influence of futurism, in 1924, in the biography of Dali, a transition to the direction of the Italian artist de Chirico. By 1929, Dali became the leader in surrealism. Strictly realistic style reinforced the obsessive nightmare effect of many of his paintings.

Among the most famous canvases of Salvador Dali stands out “The permanence of memory” with an unusually melting, dilapidating clock. In 1940, Dali fled the Nazi-occupied France, emigrated to the United States. He wrote The Secret Life of Salvador Dali, and also introduced surreal details into advertising, ballet, and films.

Self-proclaimed genius, Dali was, of course, a very talented, versatile artist, an excellent draftsman. His ingenuity, wide imagination made a great impression on the culture. Nevertheless, mercantilism, the promotion of cheating around the world, Dali’s false press led to the fact that he was nicknamed a charlatan.

Two museums are entirely devoted to the artist’s works. It is a museum of Salvador Dali in St. Petersburg, Florida, the theater-museum of Dali in Figueres, Spain. Other famous works in the biography of Salvador Dali include: “Flesh on the rocks,” “Metamorphosis of narcissus,” “Sleep caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate a second before awakening,” and many others.

Biography of Salvador Dali