The theme of the Great Patriotic War in Russian literature

The Great Patriotic War is a very important stage not only in the history of our Motherland. The lives of millions of our compatriots were laid on the altar of victory over fascism in this most brutal and bloody war.
Events of the war years are fixed in state printed documents, in video footage, in personal letters of the participants in the battles. Of course, the war could not but leave its mark in art. So, the most complete, in different genres, from different angles of view, the theme of the war was reflected in fiction.
This difficult time for the whole country was written not only in the forties, but also in the post-war period. Every year the characters’ characters changed, new details revealed, and a critical attitude to the government appeared. But still the main idea remains unchanged and to this day – only the blood of the Russian soldier has returned to us the peaceful sky above his head.
The story of M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” (1957) tells about the life of Andrei Sokolov, a bold, kind and open-minded man. Like many others, the war deprived him of his home, quiet family happiness, took away the closest – his wife and children.
The reader is sympathetic to the image of Sokolov, primarily because every situation in the war (even where it was necessary to make a complex moral choice) he met boldly, with dignity. So, being wounded and unable to hide from the Germans, he, a real Russian soldier, decided to meet death while standing, but was taken prisoner and survived. Nighting with other prisoners in the church, Sokolov saved from the death of a platoon commander unfamiliar to him, whom the communist Kryzhnev was planning to extradite to the fascists. Sokolov strangled the traitor. In Germany, for several years, the soldier “made a hump” on the most difficult jobs – and here he did not break. Even with the German commandant Miiller, he managed to hold on proudly, without dropping military honor: “I wanted them, damned, to show that although I starve to death, but I’m not going to choke on their handouts, that I have mine,
A few years later, Sokolov, from hard labor, became a chauffeur. It seemed that he could quietly and tolerably live in submission to the enemy. But with his heart and thoughts he was on his native land: “… There is already a scaffold over the lake, ours run to the car, and I jumped into this wood, opened the door, fell to the ground and kissed her, and I have nothing to breathe…! ”
The soldier alone met victory. From the house in Voronezh there was a funnel, the son was killed by a sniper shot. But even here the long-suffering and firmness of the character of the Russian man were manifested. Sokolov began life anew, taking on the upbringing of the boy Vanya.
Sholokhov not accidentally used in the title of the story a nominal name – “The Fate of Man”. Thousands of people during the Great Patriotic War could have a similar fate. But the main idea of ​​the work – in any circumstances, no matter how hard it was, you need to remain a man!
The story of B. Vasiliev “A Dawns Here Are Quiet” (1969) became one of the most popular books about the Great Patriotic War of the 1960s-1980s. The main events take place in 1942 in Karelia. Senior sergeant Fedot Vaskov was subordinated to five young fighters. And these soldiers are girls. One of them, Rita Osyanina, discovered that through the nearby swamps there is a sabotage German group of two people. Vaskov decided to stop the group at any cost. The girls and the sergeant-major were armed only with trilines and grenades, and the enemies were not two, but sixteen. But at the cost of their lives they managed to stop the saboteurs.
With different characters and destinies, but united by one goal – to destroy the hated enemy – Margarita Osyanina, Yevgenia Komelkova, Elizaveta Bricchina, Galina Chetvertak, Sonya Gurvich were killed, having entered into an unequal battle with the fascists. The author holds a bitter thought that these schoolgirls are not meant for war at all. They would live, raise children, bring joy to people. They, women, destined by nature itself to give and continue life on Earth, tender and fragile, enter into a merciless battle with cruel invaders. They, women, not demanding any discounts for themselves and not thinking about them, are doing everything to stop the enemy. And for this they do not spare their lives.
A single target on the battlefield calls the commandant and the girls. Everyone on his front line must do the impossible and impossible to win, so that the dawns are quiet. This is the heroic measure, according to Vasiliev: “Vaska knew one thing in this battle: not to retreat, not to give the Germans a scrap on this shore.” No matter how hard, hopelessly, to hold… And this feeling was like it was behind him, all Russia agreed, as if he, Fedot Evgrafovich Vaska, was now her last son and protector, and there was no one else in the world: only he, the enemy and Russia ”
For all, the tragic fate of young girls who gave their lives for their Motherland in a fierce battle with fascism, personifies the price at which our arodu victory.
People leave, time flows, mercilessly erasing events, names and dates. But the best works about the Great Patriotic War are an imperishable monument to the great feat of the Russian people!



