
Who does not dream to go to Paris? Perhaps some of you have already realized this dream. And yet, I hope everyone will be interested to talk about this wonderful city.

Paris – the capital of France – is located in the center of the fertile agricultural area on the banks of the River Seine and on the nearby hills.

The city originated in the first century BC on the island of Cité, on the site of the settlement of the Gallic Parizian tribe. The Roman conquerors built a fortress here, which, during the uprising of the Gallic tribes against Rome, was destroyed, then rebuilt. Later, the city was called Parisia, which later moved to Paris.

At the end of the 5th century the city was captured by the Franks and became the residence of the Frankish king; In the tenth century, Paris became the capital of the French kingdom.

In the central part of the city there are business and shopping quarters, newspaper editions, leading theaters; on the left bank of the Seine are the Latin Quarter – the district of educational institutions, publishers, bookstores. Here – the Senate, the National Assembly, the Ministry. In the west and south, there are residential quarters of the bourgeoisie and high officials; to this fashionable district of Paris from the west adjoins a large array of landscaped park – the Bois de Boulogne. The eastern part and the northern outskirts of Paris are mostly working quarters, there is a large population density, lack of communal amenities.

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is rich in monuments of material culture and art and historical sights that attract tourists from many countries.

The main main thoroughfare of Paris is the Champs Elysees Street, on which the presidential palace is located. One end of this highway goes to the square of the Star, from which 12 beams are scattered. In the center of the square is the Triumphal Arch with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Through the Place de la Concorde, the Champs Elysees connects with Rue de Rivoli, one of the longest streets in the city. On the Place de la Concorde stands the obelisk of Ramses II, erected in Egypt in 1250 BC and brought to Paris in 1831. The square is adjoined by the former royal garden of the Tuileries, on the other side of which is the Louvre palace, built in the XIII century. Not far from the palace, on the island of Cité, is one of the masterpieces of medieval art – the Notre Dame Cathedral. In the silhouette of the city from its western part stands the Eiffel Tower – until recently the tallest building in Europe. In the eastern part of the city there is the Place de la Bastille and the Pere Lachaise cemetery with the walls of the Communards.

Paris is the main cultural center of France. In its higher educational institutions 70 percent of all students of the country study. Here are the famous Sorbonne University, Collège de France, the Polytechnic School, as well as the Paris Academy of Sciences and other major universities.

The National Library stores 5 million books and valuable manuscripts. Of the 60 theaters and concert halls in the city, the Grand Opera, the Comedie Francaise, the Opera Comique are world famous. Museums of the Louvre, Versailles are well known. In the city there are more than 60 museums.

Paris produces one-fourth of the country’s industrial output. More than 20 percent of industrial workers are concentrated here. The most important branches of industry are machine building and metalworking, fine chemicals and various branches of light industry. In engineering, automotive and aircraft construction are dominant; 80 percent of all cars produced in the country, 70 percent of tractors, 90 percent of aircraft engines and 60 percent of aircraft fuselage are produced.

Paris accounts for half of the total turnover of France. Here there are offices of the largest trading companies, numerous French and foreign trade agencies, giant universal stores “Prentan”, “Galerie Lafayette” and others, about 60 markets.

In Paris, the residences of capitalist monopolies and the country’s largest banks are concentrated – the French Bank, the Paris-Netherlands Bank, the banks of Rothschild, Lazar and others. The Paris Stock Exchange, where securities are quoted, is of international significance.

Paris is France’s main transport hub. The largest Parisian airfields Orly and Bourges have made the city one of the most important nodes of international air services. Paris is one of the largest river ports in Europe.

In suburban transport, the main role is played by the underground; The first subway line was built in 1900.



